Religious Education 

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Congratulations to all our students that received the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist over the weekend and to those that will attend their Celebration Mass at 5:00pm today. 

A special thank you to the Year 3 staff that prepared the students and to Fr Michael, Mandy (Parish Office), Sacred Heart staff and families that supported the candidates by organising and attending the Preparation Mass services over the past few weeks.


From Fr Michael: Just a quick message to say THANKS and CONGRATULATIONS.  I was very happy and proud of the celebrations. Just talking to Mandy here now - saying how Great the kids are!  She mentioned how the parents also are friendly and appreciative to her. Have a good day and week!   Peace!  Michael O'T 


Reflections from some of our children


Receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist is a very special occasion.

On Sunday my whole family with our sponsors went to St Mary's Church. My siblings Aaliyah, DJ, Jeremiah and myself (Jericho) were really excited and a bit nervous because we were about to receive this special sacrament all together. Aaliyah chose Mary as her confirmation name and us boys chose Michael because we think Fr Michael is a really good guy and he is the best priest ever. 

Jericho Scott


I felt so proud of myself when all my family came to support me on Sunday, when I made my First Holy Communion. Mum and Dad walked up with me to receive the bread (Eucharist) for the first time. Now whenever I go to Mass I can go up for communion and receive the eucharist. I don’t normally wear dresses but this was a special occasion for me so I wore a beautiful white dress and a flower headpiece. I chose Mary for my Confirmation name and my brother helped me choose it.

Jaymi Barker

Bread Baking Day


We made bread because we were making our First Holy Communion. The bread we made represented the body of Christ. I had a lot of fun with my friends and teachers.

Hannah Crabbe


I really enjoyed making bread in groups with my friends. We made bread because we were learning about the sacrament of Eucharist. 

Jack Widdicombe


Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader & Wellbeing Leader