St Helena's Catholic Primary School's 25th Anniversary

See how much St Helena's Catholic Primary School has grown in 25 years here.

Monday 12 August - 90's Dress Up Day

We started the week back in the 90's with lots of double denim, fluro colours and butterfly clips! Our students and staff put together some wonderful outfits.

Tuesday 13th August - Feast Day Stalls

Studentsenjoyed planning and running their Feast Day Stalls on Tuesday. Lots of fun was had, with lots of great things on offer like popcorn, playdough and biscuits. Our Year 5 students designed and built cardboard arcade games that were put to good use during our Feast Day Stalls.

Wednesday 14 August - Quilt Activity

Students visited our St Helena’s Mini Museum to look at the history displays of our school. One of the items on display was our Foundation Quilt which was made by the foundation children, staff and families of our school back in 1999! 

Each class then designed their own square which will be collated to create a Silver Jubilee quilt later in the year.

Thursday 15 August - Buddy Activity

Our students try to do something beautiful for God every day. This year to celebrate our 25th Anniversary and school feast day, the whole school created scarves that will be given to Midland Meals to hand out to those in our community who are feeling the cold.

Students worked in buddies to make the scarves and create notes telling the receiver how important they are.

Friday 16 August - 25th Anniversary & Feast Day Mass

We celebrated 25 Years of St Helena’s Catholic Primary School. Our school was blessed to be joined by those who helped build our community, including our past principal, Ms Bertolini, and past and current staff, parents, parishioners and students for a Mass that was co-celebrated by our current Priest Fr Bona and previous priest Fr Francis. 

Some of the original foundation staff members joined us and shared memories of when St Helena’s first started. Happy Birthday St Helena’s Catholic Primary School!