Classroom News 

Pre-Kindergarten - Little Adventurers

This term, the Pre-Kindy children have been undertaking a variety of activities centred around the theme of “I am special”. We have been talking about the way God made each and every one of us in a very special way. The children have been looking in the mirror to observe their unique features and talking about all the different parts of our bodies. They have been drawing and painting pictures of themselves, making faces with loose parts and creating people with playdough.

In Pre-Kindy, we also spend a lot of time outside moving, exploring, experimenting, creating, collaborating and imagining. Outdoor play helps to develop the children’s physical capabilities, connects them with nature and allows them to engage all of their senses, all of which are important aspects of early childhood. The children have been cooking up a storm in the mud kitchen, exploring science concepts in our sensory trays and perfecting their climbing and balancing skills on the obstacle course. Recent rain has also created lots of muddy puddles which have been so much fun to jump in!


Pre-Primary Lorikeets and Possums

This term, the children in Pre-Primary have been investigating what makes a Community. We have explored different occupations and thought about what we might like to do when we grow up. 

In Religion, we have been working through our Prayer unit. We wrote our own prayer to Jesus and talked about how much Jesus loves us. 

During our Literacy sessions, we have been focusing on learning how to read and write CVC words. Our teachers have been amazed at how beautifully we are going with this. 

Maths is always lots of fun in Pre-Primary. This term we took a close look at maps to see what features they have. We then drew our own amazing maps!


Year 5 Bandicoots and Dingoes

Term 3 Highlights


Celebrating Learning and Growth

This term, we kicked off by preparing our assembly to showcase our learning from Semester 1. We’ve been focusing on developing a growth mindset, embracing the courage to "Try Everything" and persevere through challenges. This motto has guided us to seize every opportunity for learning and growth across all subjects. Here’s a glimpse of some of the exciting activities we've engaged in recently:

Languages Week

We delved deeper into Italian culture, savouring homemade wood fired pizzas and enjoying traditional Italian games like bocce.

Physical Education

We participated in a Gala Day with Ellenbrook Primary School, where we honed our rugby skills and teamwork through mini games.

HASS and Design Technology

We had a blast researching, planning, and creating cardboard arcade games with prizes. Throughout the process, we explored concepts like resources, supply and demand, and profitability. We loved testing our games during the St. Helena’s Feast Day Stalls and were thrilled with the donations and profits raised for Catholic Mission.

St. Helena’s 25th Anniversary Week

One of our favourite activities during this special week was our buddy activity. We assembled scarves and wrote heartfelt messages on gift cards for people in the community. Afterward, we enjoyed reading books and completing puzzles together.