P & F

Parents & Friends Announcements

P&F Dates to Remember

Friday 20th September Sports Team Casual Clothes Day (no coin donation required)

Domino Pizza Lunch orders at the end of 1st play. Details and order forms to come next week.



Saturday 26th October Ladies Day Out

12pm Collective Gisborne

Save the date, invite your girlfriends and mums and sisters and come along for a really fun, well earnt day out.





P&F News


WOW What a great night we had celebrating our school and this community. We raised a whopping $9,498.67 profit!!!!!!!!!!


All funds go straight to Miss Mel and our kids and this beautiful school.


Thank you to all of our parents, staff and friends who attended the night. To Justin from Spark Real Estate for sponsoring our event and running the live auctions which raised a lot of funds for us. Tyla Paige Balloons for the wonderful decorations. Neale’s Spit Roast for the delish catering. Rob, Russell and the whole Gisborne Bowling Club for their incredible hospitality and assistance. Every single one of our silent and live auction donations; Toyworld Sunbury, Cara Kavanagh and Kavanagh Racing, Elders Sunbury, Office National Gisborne, Country Gourmet Meat and Poultry, Macedon Ranges Family Law, Oakfield Design, Foodworks Gisborne, Gisborne Chiropractic Clinic, Gisborne Cottage Flowers, GDA, Gisborne Health Essentials, Gisborne Vet Clinic, Hair of Coo, Kids Ink, Kyneton Ridge, MRSC, Mackenzie Maya, MAE, Mount Towrong Vineyard, Petstock Gisborne, Priceline Gisborne, Ranges Health and Fitness, Rhino Automotive, Sarah Phegan Intimo, Schools Out, The Sebel Moonee Ponds, Sopranos Gisborne, Splash Buddies and our WONDERFUL STAFF for their donated events that were so popular.  


It takes a village and we are so thankful to our committee for their tireless efforts, the support of our school advisory group, Mel Daly, the St Bs Office and Teaching staff and everyone who attended our event, mingled, built new and stronger connections across our community and participated in the nights fun!! We do all of this for the kids and it would not be possible without your attendance and ongoing support so THANKS EVERYONE!!!!


We can’t wait for our Ladies Day Out on October 26th, 12pm Collective Gisborne.


If you wish to join our committee for 2024 or have any fundraiser ideas OR any other ways you think we can support our school please reach out at any time at pfa@sbgisborne.catholic.edu.au