Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)
What a busy few weeks we have had in the Health & Physical Education Curriculum!
2024 House Captains
House Captain Wrap
The last few weeks have been quite busy and we have more exciting events to look forward to. Congratulations to the Region football team for placing 4th at the carnival, a wonderful effort.
Good luck to our 56 students who are competing at the District Hooptime carnival on Monday 26th August. And good luck to all the students who will represent our school at the District Athletics carnival on Wednesday 4th September.
We would also like to send our best wishes to our Aerobic team who will compete at the State Championships.
Curriculum Update
Over the past few weeks, the Foundation students have focused on building their Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) which have involved passing, catching and dribbling.
The students have continued to grow their confidence with their chest and bounce passes whilst also focusing on their catching technique.
The Foundation Students then moved on to ball control and dribbling by utilising a basketball for these activities. Students were given the opportunity to explore which is their more dominant hand when bouncing. Once they spent some time on this, they then moved on to bouncing the ball while in motion. The students were also exposed to the crossover dribble which they all picked up very quickly.
It has been great to watch them develop over the last three weeks.
Year One/Two:
Over the past few weeks, the Level 1 and 2 students focuses have been on refining and building their Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS).
Our first lesson focused Passing and Catching. The students learned two different passing techniques, the Bounce and Chest Pass. They practised both of these passes with a partner to grow both their confidence and consistency. The other primary focus within this lesson was catching the passes. Students were required to get their hands in the ready position and have their body in a catching position stance.
The students then moved to practising their bouncing technique with both their left and right hand. They used a tennis ball to start to help them understand that the surface area of a basketball makes it easier to bounce.
The students then moved on to dribbling the ball in motion, practising their cross-over dribble and learning how to protect the ball from being stolen from them by a defender.
Year Three/Four:
Over the last few weeks, the Level 3/4 students completed a lesson which involved an invasion game called Thief. The purpose of this was to provide the students with the opportunity to build on both their teamwork and strategy skills.
The students then commenced a unit on Volleyball. The first lesson that they participated in was to focus on the core skills involved with the game (Setting and Digging). These skills development will then allow the students to apply them to a full-scale game. It was great to see the student's grow in confidence during match play.
Year Five/Six:
Over the last few weeks, the Level 5/6 students completed a lesson which involved an invasion game called Thief. The purpose of this was to provide the students with the opportunity to build on both their teamwork and strategy skills.
The students then commenced a unit on Volleyball. The first lesson that they participated in was to focus on the core skills involved with the game (Setting, Digging, Serving and Spiking). These skills development will then allow the students to apply them to a full-scale game.
Region AFL Carnival
On Monday 12th August, select 5/6 students represented our school at the Region AFL carnival. Based on some injuries we had lost a couple players prior to the day, but this was not going to slow the players down.
We started the day off in a wonderful way with a come from behind win in our first game before losing our first game against the eventual winners of the day. We then got our 2nd win for the day which progressed us into the finals with a chance to make the grand final on the line.
We came up against a quality opposition in this game and unfortunately went down by 3 points. We had our chances to hit the lead but could not capitalise.
At the end of the day, we finished 4th, which is a tremendous effort. Some of the schools who we competed against had over 70+ students' trial for the team.
As a school we could not be prouder of the students and their efforts over the three carnivals.
A massive shout out to the families who came down to support and performed an official role on the day.
Upcoming Events
Monday 26th August - Level 56 Hooptime @ State Basketball Centre
Wednesday 4th September - Level 3-6 District Athletics (Select Students Only)