From the Head of Senior School

Parent-teacher interviews

As we progress through the academic year, it is important to recognise the key partnerships essential for student success – one of the most essential being the relationship between parents and teachers. As students encounter increased academic challenges and decisions about their future careers in their Senior School years, parent-teacher interviews become even more important. Our parent-teacher interviews have been spread over two weeks to accommodate the availability of parents and carers.


Parent-teacher interviews provide significant opportunities for enhancing communication between educators and parents. Information about students' academic achievements, strengths, areas needing improvement, and overall welfare is shared during these meetings. This exchange of ideas sets the stage for a cooperative effort to help students achieve the best possible outcomes.


Parental involvement and active participation in parent-teacher interviews promotes a culture of responsibility among students, as they understand that their academic advancement is a collaborative effort between home and school. Furthermore, students are more inclined to excel when they perceive a joint commitment to their success from parents and teachers, inspiring them to aim for academic excellence. If you could not attend these interviews and wish to discuss your child's progress, we encourage you to contact your child's teacher to schedule another meeting at your earliest convenience.


Foundation Day

The 140th anniversary of Girton in Bendigo was fittingly celebrated last week amid the magnificence of the Cathedral, with the occasion’s deep significance showcased through the exceptional vocal talents of the school’s choirs, the impressive musical performances of the school’s orchestras, and the readings delivered by staff and the Junior and Senior School Captains. Dr O'Rielly's address highlighted the rich history and values Girton Grammar shares with its predecessor, Girton College. 


All students are expected to attend events such as the Foundation Day service, Speech Night and House Dinners. Therefore, we encourage parents and carers of students who are employed to discuss the importance of arranging their work schedules with their employers in advance to ensure they can attend these compulsory school activities and events.


Examination preparation

With our Semester 1 examinations upon us in just over three weeks, your child should now be developing a study timetable as part of their revision and homework routine. 


I also want to take this opportunity to remind new and existing parents of the Senior School's access to a valuable resource called the Study Skills Handbook, a website that can be accessed through the Student Services and Parent Services pages on Astra. This site provides helpful and practical tips and modules for students to complete on various topics to help improve their study skills, wellbeing, time management and organisation. 

Clicking on the below image within Astra will take you directly to the site.


In particular, I recommend the modules on ‘Dealing with Distractions’, ‘Overcoming Procrastination’ and ‘Developing Motivation’, which are all issues that can impact a student's ability to study.  I also encourage you to review the ‘Information for Parents’ page, which contains helpful guidance to assist with your child's motivation and study skills.


I hope you have the opportunity to explore the website with your child, and we look forward to a rewarding examination period ahead.


Ms Dawn Davis

Head of Senior School