Parent and Student Notices

New Zealand Trip Meeting


Sausage Sizzle for Flood Relief: Wednesday 15 May

Rochester was hit by a disastrous flood two years ago and its citizens are still dealing with the repercussions physically and mentally. Many people are still not in their homes or have been forced to leave permanently. A lot of people are finding it difficult to obtain funding from insurance agencies. Young families are struggling to support their families. Children are unable to access the education they deserve. And elderly people who have lived in Rochester for generations are losing their homes. 


To assist all these people who have been affected by the flood, we are holding a sausage sizzle to raise much-needed funds for the community. This event will be held on Wednesday 15 May outside the canteen in the Morey courtyard, with sausages available in exchange for a $2 donation. Card facilities will also be available; however, we encourage the use of coins wherever possible to avoid losing money from the surcharge. Any other donations will be greatly appreciated. We hope to see you there!


Keisha Handley-Kurzke (12 Riley) and Joshua Bradbury (11 Millward)


Second-Hand Uniform Shop

Term 2 volunteer opportunities for the Second-Hand Uniform Shop are now open.


To volunteer, simply go to our online sign-up sheet and follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do.


Thank you for volunteering!


GPF News

GPF 2024 Important Dates

Term 2
GPF MeetingTuesday 28 May
Term 3
Trivia NightFriday 26 July
GPF MeetingTuesday 30 July
GPF MeetingTuesday 27 August
Term 4
Girton's Got HeartFriday 18 October
GPF MeetingTuesday 29 October
GPF MeetingTuesday 26 November