Careers News
Graham Sinclair
Careers News
Graham Sinclair
Yr 10 Careers Show Excursion Whole year level 17th of May
Yr 10 Work Experience 24h – 28th of June.
Yr 9 Career Insights Terms 2 and 3.
Yr 9 Work Experience 2nd Dec – 13th Dec
Build your future! Years 7-12 female and gender diverse students are invited to explore the exciting world of trade and tech industries.
Experience hands-on activities, engaging displays and supportive conversations lead by women working in diverse industries. Learn about rewarding well-paid career opportunities in traditionally male focused industries. Students who are interested in this are asked to please contact myself so I can add them to the list of attendees.
Through the college’s PDL program ran across year 7 to 10 students will participate in a Career Development project the aspires to broadens students understanding of the changing nature of the world of employment, develop their sense of place in this world an encourage the students to explore their options. The program importantly aims to develop a sense of agency for the students as they navigate their way.
Last week we had 20 students from DVC attend the student day at Dreamhack. Students were exposed to the various roles directly and indirectly related to this field. Hopefully some of our students are able to use this event to be inspired to be not only users of but eventually creators in the field.
This week a large percentage of our VCE students attended the VCE and Careers Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Students had access to a wide range of tertiary institutions, seminars and employer groups. These events are great opportunities for the students to see the wide range of options available to them.
Should you require any further details regarding any of the above, or you wish to discuss any issues relating to careers please feel free to contact me.
Graham Sinclair
Career Practitioner.
Ph: 9438 8282