Junior School 

Tara Librio

Junior Sub- School Leader

Welcome to Term 2 Parents and Guardian’s of Junior School students! We have a busy Term which is well underway already. 



Police Presentations

This Term we have Senior Constable Guy Rogers who is our Youth Resource Officer coming in to deliver presentations to years 7,8 and 9 students. The presentation are specifically aimed at educating and increasing awareness about cyber safety and online conduct along with assaults and affray. No doubt this will help students become more effective members of the community, make better informed life choices and offer them a chance to ask questions.




Year 9 Snowy River Leadership Camp

This Term we are also seeking applications for our annual Snowy River Leadership Camp for Year 9 students. At our recent Year Level Assembly Year 9 students were offered information and application forms regarding this amazing opportunity. Parents also had information emailed and communicated to them also. This is a State-wide residential program, for Year 9 Government school students which enables them to grow into better citizens and lead through increased self-awareness, social engagement, community connection and environmental stewardship. 




Later this Term Year 9 students will also begin to prepare for City Experience next term. This is always one of the highlights of student’s schooling but with it comes a lot of hard work and preparation and certainly the need for maturity and trust given that our students will be representing us in the wider community. 


Year 8 subject selection

Later this term Year 8 students will begin to be involved in assemblies to receive information about year 9 subject selection. It is an exciting time for students as they will be able to choose their electives and make decisions about their pathways. 


Year 7

Students have all settle in well now and as mentioned at their assembly last week, it is time for them to really buckle down now and focus on achieving their absolute best, both academically and socially. We continue to remind students of our school values, respect, excellence and responsibility. Opportunities to be involved in extracurricular activities and leadership will be an upcoming focus for our Year 7 students to further integrate them into our school community.