Term 2

From the Principal Team
I am able to continue my role as Acting Principal for term 2 and will ensure we have strong leadership across our school community while the process of employing a new Principal is completed. Along with Shona and Bec, we will continue to lead our school through a clearly defined improvement journey and celebrate the consistent wins we have already achieved with, and for our students.
We have some very clear objectives for this year including improved connection to learning and academic growth, connectedness of students across the school community through high expectations relationships, not just in class but throughout all areas of facilities, resources and most importantly people. We will also focus on Improved attendance to minimise disruption and maximise time for learning. We have already seen a calmer learning environment, improved academic growth for students at both VCE and in junior year levels and the beginnings of improvements in student attendance.
Research shows that improved school attendance will have a huge impact on student results across their years at school. It’s not just the time away from learning that is negative but the disruption to the sequential learning that is broken for the student. When a student is away, they return to a unit of work that may have already been described or introduced and although teachers will try to bring students up to speed with what was missed, this can often be difficult, causing further problems for students and creating undue pressure. This is particularly difficult at senior levels where work can move very quickly, so even a small amount of time away can have a big impact.
I want to highlight the work of our student leaders and our staff who presented our school to a new group of prospective students and parents at our recent Open Night. Students from across year levels spoke and presented information about subjects and the quality of their presentations and the way they spoke about our school and our staff was at such a high level showing great pride in our College.
Anzac Day was another chance for our students to step up and display our leadership and growth. Aimee and Anika laid a wreath on behalf of our school and Jack read the Requiem with such commitment and poise that he drew a very strong sense of pride and emotion from the large crowd. We had people come up and tell us that they had a renewed sense of faith in our future as a community because of our students actions. We have the chance to see and feel that pride and optimism every day and it was fantastic to share that beyond our school.
I look forward to continuing our shared commitment to the growth of our students and improving our community together.
Reg Byrne
Acting Principal
Italian Study Tour
I was fortunate to lead the Study Tour to Italy from March 26th – April 12th with 26 wonderful students and 4 other staff, Cinzia Curini, Barbara Chiodo, Graham Sinclair and our former Principal Allison Bennett. The support and contribution of these staff was amazing and resulted in a highly enjoyable and successful tour. Cinzia’s personal knowledge and implementation of considered and valuable teaching and learning opportunities and experiences was invaluable. It was a pleasure to watch the students grow and develop socially and emotionally as they experienced life in Italy, away from loved ones and familiar environments. So many amazing experiences shared, great connections and memories made. Thank you to all involved. Graham Sinclair’s article unpacks more of those amazing experiences.
Shona McEnaney
Assistant Principal
Personal Development and Learning Program (PDLP)
As part of our new programs we have introduced a new Personal Development and Learning Program across Year 7-12.
Year7 - Level Up, Year8 – Elev8, Year 9- Discover, Year 10 - Aspire, Year 11 – Future Focus, Year 12 – Future Ready. Each level has its own set of learning and wellbeing objectives to support students grow and develop as people and as learners. For Years 7-10, the program is designed in accordance with curriculum standards, Personal and Social and Creative and Critical Thinking capabilities. Also included is program activities that support the development of respectful relationships, transition and pathways, community partnerships and other cohort specific needs. For our upcoming Curriculum Day on Wednesday 15th May, staff will be working in their Team to continue to develop the curriculum within this program.
Eva Dean – Teaching and Learning Leader
Shona McEnaney – Assistant Principal
Uniform Information
It is great to see so many students in full uniform. As a uniform college, we expect our students to wear full school uniform at all times. We have a range of uniform items to choose from and ask that only these options are worn. A reminder that hoodies and beanies are not part of our choices and will be confiscated if worn. Please ensure your child is wearing leather school shoes as part of their formal uniform. As we are now in Term 2 the days are cooler and a number of students are electing to wear tracksuit pants that are not school uniform. Students are encouraged to purchase the grey long trousers/ pants in these cooler months. The physical education uniform is only to be worn on days that students have a practical class for this subject or representing the College in interschool sport.
If there is any issue accessing uniform items, please let us know and we will support a plan to get uniform. We have high expectations of students to be at school, in uniform and ready to learn, every day.
If a student is out of uniform twice in one week an After-School detention will be issued by the relevant Assistant Principal. In this event the school will continue to work with the student and family to support compliance.
Mobile Phone Policy
A reminder, student who bring mobile phones to school MUST keep it switched OFF and locked in their locker between 8.30am - 3.30pm. Students leaving early on permitted days MUST NOT use their phones on school grounds. Air-pods and earphones of other kinds are not to be used or be accessed during school hours unless prior permission has been granted by a teacher. School staff are required under Ministerial Order to attend to breaches of this policy and we appreciate student and parent support when undertaking this task.
Attitudes to School Survey 2024
Dear families and students,
Each year, every Year 4 - Year 12 student in a government school has the opportunity to undertake the Attitudes to School Survey. We at DSC strongly value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, well-being, and quality instruction. The Attitudes to School Survey results provide the our teachers and leaders with valuable information that informs our progress concerning the School Strategic Plan and enables the College to formulate goals to work towards. It is now time for Diamond Valley College students to have their say and complete the survey. Students will complete the survey during designated class time and will be notified by a Compass Newsfeed to their Year Level as to when the survey is scheduled to take place. The survey will be rolled out from Monday 6th May and will take place for the subsequent six weeks until each student has had the opportunity to complete the survey. Catch-up sessions will be scheduled for students who miss their original session. Attached to this newsfeed is a notification for carers and parents and includes further information relating to:
- Options for participation – Consent
- How the results are used
- How the survey is used
- Student Confidentiality
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to a member of the relevant Principal Team member: