Events & Fundraising



The weather gods once again shone down on us and delivered the two hours of sunshine we needed to host our annual SMPPS Walkathon!  

After a short ANZAC commemoration in the gym Miss Michaels and Miss Kelly ensured everyone was warmed up and ready to go!  With parents & teachers stationed around the school and stampers at the ready it was time to start walking!!  The kids were fantastic – some choosing to run, others walked and everyone was supporting each other along the way.  The parents on the stamping station were kept busy as everyone kept going lap, after lap, after lap and they were rewarded with some delicious fruit at the end of the event.  It was a wonderful event, enjoyed by all and a big thank you to all the parents who helped to bring it together!  A huge well done to all the kids who were all brilliant!


It is now time to get our donations in!  You can do this one of two ways:

  • make your donation via the Qkr app (look for Walkathon)
  • come into the office and pay via credit card.

All payments must be made by Friday 17 May.  We will provide a report on our fundraising tally after this date.

EVENTS UPDATE           

Our Events & Fundraising Committee have been working hard to put together a program for 2024 that appeals to everyone at South Melbourne Park.  Below are some SAVE THE DATE reminders.


Friday 10 May

8:00am – 9:00am


Mother’s Day & VIP BreakfastSMPPSFree Community Event

Friday 10 May

12:00pm – 3:00pm


Mother’s Day LunchLamaro’sPaid Event – SOLD OUT

Saturday 3 August

Time TBC


Parent FundraisingTBCPaid Fundraiser

Friday 31 August

8:00am – 9:00am

Father’s Day & VIP BreakfastSMPPSFree Community Event

These events cannot happen, however, without the support of our wonderful community.

The event dates have been approved by council and the skeleton outlines for most of the events are now in place.  We are now calling upon our SMPPS community to support by being part of the working groups that ensure these events can happen.



Check out our sign up genius and put your name down if you would like to be part of the working group that puts these events together.  You can donate as little or as much time as you can, we are grateful for all and any support.  We are looking for: 

  • People who enjoy leading a group and delivering an outcome (you should sign up to be a Project Manager)
  • People who are creative and like to channel that creativity in to a wonderful school event (could be decorations or theming or graphic design etc)
  • People who are “doers” – those that like to get a spreadsheet and tick things off the list
  • People with different ideas as to how to run an event
  • People who have connections/like to seek donations of goods or services to our events
  • People who just like to help in whatever way is required 

You don’t have to be an “events person” you just need to be open to ideas, be able to work in a team and have the interests of SMPPS and its kids at the heart.

If any of the above sounds like you or even if it doesn’t but you would like to help out please sign up below.  Remember – many hands make light work!

If donating your time is not an option for you but you would like to help out you can also donate money via Qkr:

  1. Download the Qkr App
  2. Go to South Melbourne Park Primary School
  3. Choose ‘Misc school item/Donations’
  4. Choose ‘Support your School Donations’
  5. Make your donation

These donations can then be used to help cover the hard costs of putting on the event.  It is all voluntary of course.



We’d love to hear it! If you have a fundraising or event idea please let us know.  You need to email and let us know the following:

  • What event or fundraising initiative you are proposing:
    • Where
    • When 
    • What
  • How it would be rolled out/who would manage it
  • What you require in terms of support (either financial or volunteer/staffing)

We will then review and come back to you with any questions.  Once approved at a committee level it then has to go to School Council for final approval.


We are looking to form a joint (South Melbourne PS & South Melbourne Park PS) parents or carers band to enter in the Parents Battle of the Bands (in 2025), a fun competition run in Port Phillip to raise money four our kids' school music program. This is a fantastic event where 1000 primary school parents from the City of Port Phillip celebrate music together in May at the Prince Band Room, St Kilda and in September at the Corner Hotel Richmond. 

We need a lead guitarist, bass player and a drummer to be part of the Parents Battle of the Bands in 2025. If you have musician grandparents, uncles, aunties or any other carers/nannies, please reach out as they qualify as well.  Don't hesitate to contact (0412 547 235) for more information.