Wellbeing and Diversity

Harmony Day Whole School Art Project

One of our fun and engaging activities from Harmony Day was when our students decorated a hand that represented something from their culture or something that represented being a part of our Australian culture. This is a photo of our whole school display which each and every student contributed to. It looks amazing and we are very proud of their efforts, collaboration and their growing understanding of what it means to be inclusive and compassionate.


Dojo Points Free Dress Day

Each term a House team is rewarded for receiving the most amount of points from our Class Dojo reward system. For Term 1 our winning team was Durkin (red). All of the students that are a member of Durkin, along with all of the individual class winners, will be able to wear free dress to school this Thursday 2 May. Congratulations to all of those children.


Tracey Farrar (Wellbeing Leader)
