Religious Dimension

 Gospel- The Vine and the Branches- John 15

When Jesus said to his disciples, "I am going away and I am coming back to you", the disciples were wondering where it was that Jesus was going so that they could follow him.

For many  humans it would be so much easier if we were given a road map to help us foresee the path in our lives, especially when we are going through some challenges. It could make it more bearable knowing when the pain or challenges would cease. No one has received that map and as Christian believers we often work hard to stay courageous in these times of uncertainty.  We remember the very special words of Jesus that "I am the vine and you are the branches - If a person remains in me and I in them, they will bear much fruit". Sometimes we feel torn in two, needing comfort, direction and control. Jesus message gives us hope, that he is there to support and guide us.


I wonder how we can give the message of hope to our families and children, to remain in God's love and to provide empathy, support and understanding during our journey of faith on this earth. Let us always remember to support and pray for each other.

Eucharist Retreat Day

Last Tuesday, all of our students who are receiving their First Eucharist this weekend, participated in a 'faith filled' day to help them prepare for this special sacrament and gain a deeper understanding of the Eucharist. To begin the day, Father Dispin shared that 'Eucharist' comes from a Greek word meaning 'thankyou'.  During the 'talking mass' with Father Dispin, he explained the meaning behind the Liturgy of the Eucharistic in the mass, explaining the symbolism and words used to give 'context' and 'clarity'.


The students also tried some of our unconsecrated bread to prepare them for what they will receive at mass for the very first time.  It was a very special day for them all.

Our students also made their own bread with our parent helpers Samantha Mitchell and Julie Tauali'i, whilst others decorated their porcelain plates which will be a memento for this sacrament and given after their sacrament of Eucharist.

Important Dates This Term:

TERM 2 CLASS MASSES - Tuesday at 10am at St John's Church

Week 3                       Year 4 

Week 4                       1/2B Anna and Nicole
Week 5                       5/6B Allison
Week 6                       5/6C Tracey
Week 7                       1/2A Clorinda/Andrea
Week 8                        Prep Cara
Week 9                        No Mass - School Closure Day
Week 10                     5/6A  Joyce 
Week 11                     Year 3 
What When Where
Grandparents and Special Friends DayWednesday May  1 at 9amSt. John's Church
Year 4 Sacrament of First Eucharist

Saturday May 4

at 12pm

St. John's Church

Students Courageous Catholics' Day

 with Gen Bryant

Tuesday June 4

9am - 3:20pm

The Coghlan Centre
Feast of the Sacred HeartFriday June 7 at 10amSt John's Church

Kidsview - Year 5/6 Social Justice Incursion  

Bahay Tuluyan Philippines 

Monday June 17

all day

The Coghlan Centre
Year 6 Confirmation Parent and Student Information evening

Tuesday June 18 at 7pm


The MacKillop Space

Melinda Buscema 


St John's Women's Retreat