Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

The Autumn leaves at St John's are delightful, especially as they greet us every morning at the front entrance and across the school grounds. The students enjoy playing in the leaves and using them for a variety of artistic activities. I hope the colours and wonders of autumn inspire you and your children to enjoy some creative play and times together outside.

Last week we hosted our third Open Day and welcomed a large number of new families to our school. We also hosted Emmikins Kindergarten for an excursion at St John's last Monday. The kinder students worked in the classroom alongside our prep students and experienced what it is like to be a student at school. We love welcoming the wider community into our school and sharing all of the great things that are happening at St John's. Our school community offers a sense of welcome and belonging to everyone, to ensure a feeling of support, security and appreciation. Making links with the wider community also encourages our students to be proactive citizens and future change makers in our world.

Joining our school Choir at the ANZAC Dawn Service last Thursday in Mitcham, was truly inspirational. Our students sang beautifully, with great heart and emotion. Thank-you to all those who attended and especially to Ms Amanda Hill for leading the students so magnificently.

Grandparent's and Special Visitors Day

We are looking forward to welcoming all of the Grandparents and Special Visitors to our school on Wednesday, 1 May. We will begin the day with Mass at 9.00am, followed by activities with the children in classrooms and morning tea in the Mary MacKillop Space. We hope that every child will have a special visitor who is able to come along.

St John's Mother's Day Breakfast and Stall

On Friday, 10 May, all mothers and their children are invited to a Mother's Day Breakfast at St John's, hosted by the PA.  Please join us from 7.30am - 8.30am in the Coghlan Centre for a buffet breakfast. The cost for breakfast is $5.00 per head (adults and children). Everyone is welcome but please be sure to book in, using CDFpay online.

For those who have not used CDFpay before, it's easy to register using the directions in the New Parent Guide below. Bookings can be made by clicking on the "Mother's Day Bookings" tab below after 12pm tomorrow, Tuesday 30 April.


Later that day we will be holding a Mother's Day Stall, run by our Parents Association. Gifts will range from $5 - $8. Please send your child to school with cash to make their purchase.

2025 School Enrolment

We are now taking enrolments for 2025. If you have a younger child or family friend who is eligible to start school next year then please send in your enrolment forms. 


We are hosting a 2025 Parent Information Evening on Tuesday 7 May at 7.00pm.

Everyone is welcome and if you know someone who is thinking of attending St John's school next year, we recommend that they attend this Information Evening to hear about our engaging curriculum from our school leaders. 

Tuesday 7 May, 7.00pm - Parent Information Evening at St John's Primary School 

Photo and Recording Permission

Families would have received an email on 28 March, advising for the need to update the Photo and Recording Permissions for all students, in line with the new MACS Policy. 

Thank you to those families that have already returned this form but we are still waiting on some to be returned.

If you haven't already done so, please complete the attached form and email it back to:

You are welcome to print and return the hardcopy to the Office.

Hard copies are also available in the office.

****** A separate form needs to be completed for each of your children.


Are You Eligible to Apply? - CSEF Payment

The Victorian State Government has a Camp, Sport & Excursion Fund for families that are eligible. Qualifying for this fund can lead to further relief for school fees through MACS. Please click on the link below which contains the criteria eligibility and CSEF application form. If you believe you are eligible to apply please leave your signed form at the office or email it to Jenny.


Parking Safely at St John's

This is a reminder to observe all of the traffic signs around our school. Last week some parents were fined or given warnings about parking on the wrong side of the service road or staying too long in the Kiss and Drop carparking zone. For the safety of all of our families please follow the signs at the school.

The best options for parking are driving into the playground via Elizabeth Street or parking across Whitehorse Road and using the footbridge.

St John's School Social Media

Great things are happening on our social media. Please follow us and leave a comment to show your support.


Facebook       Instagram       Twitter            

Joke of the Week

What the tree say at the start of Autumn?

"Leaf me alone!"

Enjoy the week ahead and please let me know if I can assist you and your family in any way.


Verona Gridley
