Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families,
We've been having an absolute blast in class with all the incredible learning experiences we've been diving into these past couple of weeks!
In reading, students have been delving into the fascinating world of animal classification. They have been exploring the distinctions between cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals, as well as learning about the various types of amphibians and the unique features that enable fish to thrive underwater. Additionally, students have gained insights into the characteristics and adaptations of reptiles, birds, and mammals, further enhancing their understanding of the diverse animal kingdom. It's truly amazing to see how much knowledge they have acquired about the different species and their remarkable abilities.
In their writing lessons, students have excelled in the art of capturing essential information through notes and symbols. They thoroughly enjoyed the process of transforming these notes into complete sentences and were introduced to the concept of SPO (single paragraph outline) to organize supporting details for a paragraph. By utilizing these supporting details to craft a topic sentence and concluding sentence, students have honed their skills in constructing well-structured paragraphs. The use of SPOs is crucial as it will serve as a valuable tool for students to practice various forms of writing throughout the academic year. It's wonderful to witness their growth and development as proficient writers!
In their math lessons, students have been diving deeper into the concept of place values with the help of MAB materials. Additionally, they were introduced to the greater than and less than symbols to compare numbers. Through a fun activity involving rolling dice to generate two numbers, students practiced using these symbols to compare and order the numbers from greatest to smallest. This hands-on approach not only reinforced their understanding of place values but also sharpened their skills in number comparison and organization. It's truly rewarding to see students engaging with math concepts in such an interactive and meaningful way!
Morphology/ Vocabulary:
During the last couple of weeks, students delved into vocabulary and discovered additional new words sourced from our ongoing text 'Race to Reconciliation'. The words included were cranky, spectacular, dramatic, eternity, resolution, appreciate, hero, worship, impressed, and shocked. The children engaged in exploring these words by examining their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and practicing how to use them in sentences.
Friendly Reminders:
- As the children are now in Grade 3, it is recommended that students walk to the classroom on their own of a morning. If you do choose to walk your child to the classroom, please do not enter the classrooms as teachers are busy setting up for the day.
- Please ensure that your child is bringing their reading satchel and journal on their assigned day so that we can celebrate their reading.
- Please ensure that your child is only bringing water in their drink bottle.