Principal's Message

Hello Tarneit Rise Primary School Community,
Welcome to another edition of ‘Rise and Shine’! We hope everyone has had a lovely fortnight.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to the following children and their families who have joined Tarneit Rise Primary School over the last fortnight:
Year Foundation: Haesel & Kayson
Year One: Aaira & Omer Mohi Uddin
Year Two: Zayan
Year Four: Dhruv
Year Five: Metab
Year Six: Hiba
We look forward to getting to know you and we hope you enjoy your time at Tarneit Rise Primary School 😊
School Uniform
Our school uniform is compulsory for all students. When at school, it is expected all children wear either the complete sports uniform or the complete academic uniform.
A correctly worn uniform:
- fosters a sense of belonging.
- allows the wider community to recognise Tarneit Rise Primary School children and our standards.
- reduces the focus on what children wear in comparison to others.
- teaches children to be well-presented and respectful of the school’s expectations.
- connects children to the school community and enhances their pride.
Regarding our school uniform and children’s personal presentation, it is expected:
- children only wear the complete sports uniform or the complete academic uniform.
- children are in full school uniform every day, unless there is a casual dress day.
- non-uniform items are not visible e.g. long-sleeved tops are not worn underneath the school polo.
- all uniform items are clean in appearance.
- garments are kept in good repair.
- children wear their uniform neatly.
- all uniform items are clearly named.
- nail polish or false nails (acrylic, shellac, SNS, gel) are not worn.
- only small, plain, and round gold or silver stud or sleeper earrings are worn in earlobes.
- if children’s hair reaches their collar, it is secured off the face using black, teal or hair colour clips, clasps, hair bands and hair ties only.
- cultural headdress is to be either white, black, or teal only.
- cultural headdress does not exclude children from wearing their school hat.
- the only hat that is worn is the Tarneit Rise Primary School hat.
If children are in breach of the uniform standards, they will receive a uniform infringement notice which they are expected to bring home. In some instances, children will be required to correct the breach immediately e.g. excess/ incorrect jewellery, visible non-uniform items worn underneath the school uniform.
Setting the expectation at home that children are in correct school uniform and that it is worn neatly in primary school will reduce the battles you will need to have with them in secondary school.
Whilst most children who ride, scoot or skateboard to school wear a bicycle helmet, we are still seeing many of our children, especially our younger children, riding without a helmet. Helmets MUST be worn when riding on roads, on bike and shared paths in bike lanes, in recreational parks, in car parks and on footpaths. If your child is riding without a bicycle helmet, police can stop them and issue the parent/ guardian with a fine or a warning. What’s more, they can also do so if the helmet your child is wearing is not an approved helmet (an approved helmet must comply with and have the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2063 symbol). Research shows that wearing a bicycle helmet reduces the risk of head injury by up to 74 per cent. So, in the interest of protecting your child against serious head injuries, make sure they wear a helmet when they are riding their bike, scooter or skateboard.
Pupil Free Day
On Friday the 24th of May it is a pupil free day. This means children are not required at school. On this day, teachers will be writing children’s semester one reports. If you need care for your child on this day, please contact Big Childcare.
Stay safe.
Nadia, Sarah, Missy, Gemma, Lauren, Stephen, Adam, and Alana