An amazing effort by everyone on the KSC Container Deposit Scheme, Year Level Challenge!
CONGRATULATIONS to YEAR 7 who collected the most containers for Term 1 (1182!!!).
Hot Chip Lunch enjoyed by them!
Thanks to the 8A students for their fabulous help in counting and sorting this Term.
With a whopping 3593 containers collected over Term 1, the school looks better already and we have redirected these containers from landfill which is an amazing achievement.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our recycling campaign. This will continue into Term 2 (and beyond), so keep saving your 10c recyclable bottles/containers ready for a strong start to Term 2 Year Level Challenge.
The Challenge continues!!!
KSC continues to collect eligible drink containers for the 10c refund (Victorian Container Deposit Scheme), to raise funds for the College. Each Year level is collecting in their own designated bins. At the end of the term there is a prize for the year level that has collected the most eligible containers! Students may also bring eligible containers from home to add to their totals, and Community members can donate containers if they wish, by dropping them in the collection bin outside the front office. All donations are gratefully received.
What can be donated for a 10 cent refund?
Most aluminium, glass, plastic, and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. This includes plastic soft drink bottles, glass bottles, soft drinks sold in cans, and small fruit juice cartons – anything with the 10c mark.
A reminder that ALL drink containers from the KSC Canteen are eligible, and we hope this will also reduce the amount of rubbish the College sends to landfill.
Help us make a change!