Welcome back to Term Two! We hope that all our students, families and staff had a wonderful holiday period and are looking forward to another great term.
On Wednesday this week our school recognised ANZAC day with our traditional ANZAC whole school assembly. David Jackson, President of Korumburra RSL, attended our assembly, leading the school through the remembrance. Our School Captains then provided a great perspective, describing why ANZAC Day is still relevant to their generation, and the importance of continuing to pause and reflect on this day. I also joined our School Captains at the Dawn Service in Korumburra yesterday to lay a wreath as part of this remembrance.
Today was one of our Student Free Days for 2024, and with no classes running, our staff focussed on some Professional Learning as well as many units and lessons of work.
On Monday next week we will be running our Term Two Student 360s – an opportunity for all students across the school to spend some time with their mentor, reflecting on their progress in Term One, and planning for success in Term Two. We know that students planning, monitoring and reflecting on their learning (metacognition), as well as tracking and measuring their own learning growth, and taking responsibility for their own learning (agency) are two of the most effective learning strategies that students can use.
Finally on Tuesday next week is our School Cross Country. All students across the school will participate in this after lunch, walking or running the 3 or 5 kilometre course around our grounds.
Over the first couple of weeks of this term we have also continued the process of working with the local Grade 6 students and preparing them for Year 7 next year. It’s been wonderful to visit each of the local primary schools recently, and next Tuesday evening is our 2024 Information Evening. We will be running daytime tours at 10:15am and 12:15pm, then an Information Night and evening tours from 6:15pm. There are so many wonderful things happening at our school and I’m particularly proud to celebrate these with the community next week.