Award Recipients

Early Stage 1 Sloths 

Week 5 

Kailyn Dittman - Improved Knowledge of the letters/sounds learnt in kindergarten 

Violet Atkin - A wonderful improvement in confidence when coming to school each day

Week 9

Ailey Tawhai - For an improvement in reciting the sounds of the alphabet and using them in her learning

Jayda Franey - For a fantastic effort in sounding out CVC words in her reading

Stage 1 Dolphins

Week 5

Val Alefosio - Consistent effort in learning, particularly reading

James Hassett - A positive attitude and excellent start at Guyra Central School

Lulla Ketley - Improvement in writing and being a friendly member of the class.

Week 9

Tyson James - Engagement in discussions about narratives

Ed Stevens - Improved perseverance and achievement in writing

Olivia Bennett - Improved handwriting

Anna Fletcher - Consistent effort and achievement in reading and writing tasks

Stage 1 Llamas

Week 5

Katie Scully - Welcome to Guyra central School 

Nicholas Hutton - Consistently engaging in reading and trying his best

Week 9

Nayte Mayled - For trying his best and displaying positive work habits

Ivie-Mae Atcheson-Shozi - For being a conscientious worker

Lachlan Small - For writing a detailed response to text using our vocabulary words

Stage 2 Turtles

Week 5

Steven McLeod - Achievement award for Term 2

Hugh Kliendienst - Achievement award for Term 2

Arianna Viti -  Achievement award for Term 2

Ariella Galindo -  Achievement award for Term 2

Week 9 

Laura Jackson - For always following class rules and being a kind classmate to her peers

William Stevens - Being an enthusiastic learner in Stage 2 Turtles

Bently Boswell - For trying his best in class activities and actively listening during group discussion

Jack Munro-Davies - For improving his attitude towards learning and becoming an active member of Stage 2 Turtles

Declan Readford - Always on task and having an awesome attitude to his classwork


Stage 3 Frogs

Week 5

Gregory West - Working hard to build phonemic awareness in spelling

Elayna Bennett - Demonstrasting persistence when learning analog time

Charlotte Auld - Thoughtful contributions to classroom discussions 

Week 9 

Corey Jnr Banfield - For his enthusiasm and perseverance during new concepts being learnt in maths groups

Ivy MacDiarmid - For her confidence and willingness to have a go in all KLAs

Sherkaya Munro-Davies - For her willingness to accept feedback to improve her persuasive writing

Stage 3 Panthers

Week 5

Gavin Little - Always giving his best with challenging tasks

Kayne Brennan - Great improvement in mathematics 

Samuel Ashman - Working hard to improve the quality of written work

Week 9

Hamish Brown - Always showing a keen interest is his learning and working hard at all times

Sophie Readford - Always taking pride in the work she produces in class

Kade Burnett - Creating well-written persuasive texts


Assistant Principal Award

Awarded to students for consistently displaying Pride, Respect and Responsibility in learning and school life.

Week  5

Aria Vidler - Early Stage 1 Sloths 

Anna Fletcher - Stage 1 Dolphins

Airlie Vidler - Stage 2 Turtles

Sophie Rumbel - Stage 3 Panthers 

Rose Gordon - Stage 3 Frogs 

Week 9

Quinn McRae - Early Stage 1 Sloths 

Winona Towler - Stage 1 Llamas 

Aron Ashman - Stage 1 Dolphins

Hayley Jones - Stage 3 Frogs 

Tessa Robenson - Stage 3 Panthers 

Jackson Griffin - Stage 2  Turtles

Head Teacher Awards - 22 May 2024

Year 7

Rosanna White - Consistent effort in English 

Zac Raper - Excellent research in history

Logan Lockyer - Excellent improvement in science

Sierra Collins - Working well on Big Picture project

Year 8

Cooper Eddy - Excellence in music

Brooke Clark - Excellence in music

Brooke Clark - For being a strong role model in music and encouraging others to be involved

Brooke Clark - Enthusiasm and commitment in agriculture 

Kobie Killen - Excellence in music

Harley Hammond - For being a strong role model in music and encouraging others to be involved

Parker Campbell - Improvement in technology

Lily Rolff - Effort and improvement in agriculture

Peyton Heagney -  Excellent application in QuickSmart

Noah Brennan - Excellent application in QuickSmart

Year 9

Christian Loeb - Consistent effort in class in mathematics

Christian Loeb - Excellence in construction landscaping 

Christian Loeb - Consistent effort in commerce

Dixie Orford - Consistent effort in class in English 

Aidan Brown - Consistent effort in history

Aidan Brown - Excellence in construction landscaping 

Edward Collins - Excellence in construction landscaping 

Maddison Tooth - Consistent effort and enthusiasm in food technology

Liam McCann - Excellence in construction landscaping

Karleah Alefosio- For service to others in fundraising

Rose Kliendiest -  For service to others in fundraising

Hayley Williams - For service to others in fundraising

Georgette Loeb - Consistent effort and enthusiasm in food technology

Georgette Loeb - Critical resolve in artworks in visual art

Amiah Whangaparita - Critical resolve in artworks in visual art

Caitlyn O'hara - Improved effort and application in science

Year 10

Khaleal Iboai - Consistent effort in class in mathematics

Khaleal Iboai - Excellence in music

Samuel Surawski - Consistent effort in class in mathematics

Samuel Surawski - Consistent effort in English

Samuel Surawski - Working well on history assessment task  

Piper Kempton - Consistent effort in class in mathematics

Piper Kempton - Excellence in music

Charlie Ward - Consistent effort in class in mathematics

Robert Ashman - Excellence in construction landscaping 

Colton Taylor - Excellence in construction landscaping 

Matilda Atkin - Working well on history assessment task  

Eli Wood - Commitment to learning in Big Picture 

Khaleal Iboai - Excellent effort and application in science

Year 11

Lincoln Brown - Consistent application in standard mathematics

Lincoln Brown - Excellent engagement in standard English

Lincoln Brown - Great assessment work in legal studies

Aukustino Alefosio - Professionalism in event catering in hospitality 

Aukustino Alefosio - Consistent application in standard mathematics

Gabrielle Hartas-Berry - Professionalism in event catering in hospitality 

Olivia Wilson - For effort and application in completion of assessment task in business studies

Riley McLeod - Consistent application in standard mathematics

Lillianna Eddy - Consistent progress in visual art

Courtney Spradbrow - Excellent engagement in standard English 

Ava Campbell - Great assessment work in legal studies

Year 12

Leah Varcoe -  Consistent application in biology

Brooke Grills - Working enthusiastically on her major project in industrial technology

Jada Alefosio - Consistent effort on her major project in industrial technology

Head Teacher Awards - 5 June 2024

Year 7

Elliott Atcheson-Shozi - Consistent effort in all aspects of science

Beau Wilson - Excellent application in QuickSmart

Rosanna White - Consistent effort in LOTE

Lincoln Atkin - Consistent effort in LOTE

Elliot Atcheson-Shozi - Consistent effort in music 

Meghan Beard - Consistent effort in music

Noah Viti - Consistent effort in music

Abbey Grills - Creating an excellent plant cell model in science

Rachel Jackson - Creating an excellent plant cell model in science

Year 8

Brooke Clark - Excellent effort in English 

Brooke Clark - Excellent application in agriculture

Brooke Clark - Improved application in science

Chloe Wilson - Excellent application in technology 

Sophie Bezzant - Excellent effort in agriculture

Ruthie - Creating an excellent plant cell model in science

Kyara Alefosio - Excellent improvement in QuickSmart

Year 9

Christian Loeb - Excellent effort in English 

Christian Loeb - Excellent presentation of assessment in food technology

Nathaniel Morrow - Improved application in class work in mandatory technology

Rose Kliendiest - Excellent application in food technology

Year 10

Angus Dullaway - Improved application in mathematics

Bree Wilson - Application in mathematics

Dixie Orford - Application in mathematics

Matilda Atkin - Excellent application in sport coaching

Matilda Atkin - Consistent application in drama 

Aukustino Alefosio - Consistent application in standard mathematics

Year 11

Ursula Chilcotte-Geere - Excellent effort in English Advanced

Annabelle Collins - Consistent application in mathematics

Ava Campbell - Excellent application in sport coaching 

Lorissa Wilson - Excellent application in sport coaching

Head Teacher Awards - 19 June 2024

Year 7

Elliot Atcheson-Shozi - Consistent application in English

Year 8

Mateo Brazier - Enthusiasm and application in technology

Jamerikai Patterson - Demonstrating improvement in mandatory technology

Parker Campbell - Demonstrating improvement in science

Year 9

Lacey Cruickshank - Demonstrating commitment to her learning in English

Hayley Williams - Consistent effort in English

Edward Collins - Positive attitude in commerce

Georgette Loeb - Positive attitude in commerce

Year 10

Piper Kempton - Excellent effort in PDHPE

Piper Kempton - Actively engaging and supporting the Year 10 fundraising event

Piper Kempton - Excellent effort in mathematics

Adaiah Galindo - Excellent sffort in PDHPE

Sam Surawski - Actively engaging and supporting the Year 10 fundraising event

Wyatt McGinty - Excellent effort in mathematics

Samuel Surawski - Being organised and the first student to hand in work experience paperwork

Year 11

Riley McLeod - Consistency and application in visual art

Lilli Eddy -Consistency and application in visual art 

Aukustino Alefosio - Consistent application in business studies

Courtney Spradbrow - Consistent application in business studies

Year 12

Leah Varcoe - Application and effort in agriculture

Trisha Varley - Demonstrating commitment to her learning in standard English