From the Principal's desk

I would like to take time to wish everyone a safe and productive school break. Term 2 has flown by and, as a school, we have enjoyed and embraced some really great learning opportunities during the term. Thank you to Mrs Louise Dowden, in her position as our Promotions Officer, for pulling all these experiences together into this written/photographic Term 2 recognition Newsletter.


To all students, staff and their families and to our external providers and supporting organisations, who have contributed to our school events/sessions, thank you. To our Guyra community, I thank you, we could not achieve the things that we do without your great support.


I can confirm that Mrs Margaret Spiropoulos is now a permanent member of our teaching staff. Margaret has been appointed into the Visual Art/Big Picture position vacated by Mr Simon Hanly who has now moved into his retirement. Mr Hanly is currently travelling with his wife within the Northern Territory, and we wish him all the best with the new chapter of his life.


Thank you to Mrs Melissa Readford and Ms Michelle Casburn who have been employed as above establishment teachers, in the K-6 area of Guyra Central School, during semester 1 2024. These wonderful staff were employed under the Disaster Relief Program which has now been discontinued across NSW Government organisations and includes NSW public schools. This program was extended twice, in the past few years, and has provided great support and opportunity for the school. Mrs Louise Grills will continue to give casual support to the Primary learning area.


Mr. David Richardson has been an amazing addition to our Secondary staff line-up. David came out of retirement to assist us when he moved to the Guyra area and has provided wonderful support and expertise to our mix, as a casual/temporary staff member. David has now decided that it is time to enjoy/revisit retirement. We thank him for his great support.


We would also like to thank Mrs Fiona Kelly for her efforts as a part-time employee at Guyra Central School during Semester 1 2024. Good luck with everything into the future Fiona. 


We also say huge thanks Linda Orford, Kylie Sutton, and to Dante Lloyd, who will not be returning as support staff during semester 2, 2024. Thank you for the great work that you have done to make things better for our students and their families.


Kathie Marquardt, Taylor Waters and Tracey Williams have been providing additional support to the Administration area of the school during 2024. Thanks for all of your great work ladies and thanks for agreeing to provide casual support to the Front Office, when needed, as we move forward.


I have now had the chance to read all the Semester 1 K-12 school reports. Thank you to our staff for their committed and careful reflection on the student learning at Guyra Central School. I have really enjoyed reading the Year 5/6,7/8,9/10,11/12 student reflections. It does give me a sense of where we are doing well and where we need to place greater focus. Thanks to everyone for your efforts. Our Primary parent/teacher evenings are currently underway with Secondary parent/teacher evening being held first student day back Term 3. Secondary reports are ready for pick-up by parents at the Parent/Teacher evening on Tuesday 23 Juy 2024. Please phone the office on 0 67790844 to schedule time to see your child/rens teachers. 


Our Year 12 2024 students are now facing 10 more weeks, only, of their school career. We look forward to supporting and celebrating their time at the school. Good luck to all students and their families and thank you to the commitment of our senior student staff and support team.


Thank you to our Guyra Central School Parents & Citizens Association and to our Guyra Aboriginal Education Consultative Group. We appreciate the great support that your organisations bring to the school. Your guidance and consultation provide us with great insight into our decision-making.


Please take care and stay safe during the school break.

I look forward to seeing all of you back at school during Term 3


Michelle Nicholson

Proud Principal 

Guyra Central School