Student Awards

Students of the Week

Henry M, 5A - for ‘stepping up’ this term and taking on the role of class sports monitor!



 Amalia M, 1D  - for consistently demonstrating the HERRRBy values in the classroom and yard.  You are a great role model for your peers. 


Ruby Rose S, 5D - for being such a kind buddy and a wonderful role model for younger students. Your HERRRBy Values are outstanding!


Green HERRRBY Award 

Maxine Z, PD - for her ability to bring in rubbish free lunches day in, day out. Thank you for making the world a better place.



Spencer G, PA - for showing resilience to improve upon your literacy skills. We love your never give up attitude!


Ella S, PA - for your excellent explanation of what being resilient means and sharing examples of growth mindset to the class. Well done! 


Evelyn M, PB - for your resilience to improve your reading and writing skills. You can sound out and blend new words. You can do it!


Henry S, PB - for your positive participation and enthusiasm during classroom learning. Your Show and Tell about ANZAC day was fantastic! Well done Henry!


Alexa C, PC - for sounding out her words with amazing success during reading. You are incredible, keep it up!


Liam P, PD - for his outstanding effort in the classroom. You are such an asset to our class and a model student 


Paxton S, 1A - for his wonderful animation and confidence when answering questions while being interviewed by the video team in 1A. You were a superstar!


Charlie L, 1B - for using chunky monkey to sound out tricky words. Keep up the great work in reading!


Rafi M, 1C - for his great use of punctuation, connectives and interesting vocabulary in his written work. Absolutely superb work!


Aurelia F, 1D -  for putting in so much effort to improve your writing.  Your hard work is showing.  Keep up the amazing effort! 


Harvey F, 2A - for doing so well in Maths last week. You worked extremely hard in addition and it paid off strikingly! 


Daisy M, 2B - for writing an amazing persuasive piece nominating her dad for an award.  Well done Daisy.


Gabe G, 2C - for your creative work on your onomatopoeia poster. You have been working so hard and I'm so proud. Keep it up!


Heidi P, 3A - for having a brilliant start to the term, keep up the amazing work Heidi! 


Stefan M, 3B - for your beautiful behaviour this term. You have been working so hard and are a beautiful student in class.  


 Imi S, 3C - for making a positive and productive start to Term 2. Keep up the amazing effort Imi!


Ruby B, 4A - for being a kind and respectful student. You are truly a star student. Keep it up!


Lenny R, 4B - for being a hardworking and positive  student who is always willing to help his classmates.


Daniella L, 4C - for always applying herself in class and completing work tasks in a timely manner.


Zoe J, 5B - for producing absolutely fabulous class work at all times.


Ethan N, 5C - for consistently arriving at school with a smile and approaching every activity with a positive outlook.


Sophia C, 6A - for setting high standards for herself and working hard to achieve them.


Gemma T, 6C - for her excellent participation and dedication to Book Club. Keep up this magnificent work. 


Kyrill K, 6D - for the genuine empathy and compassion he has for all people and for his mature and sincere attitude towards learning and productivity at school.



Aviv K, 3C - for being a great listener and working hard in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Mia S, 4B - for being such a caring person and taking extra responsibility to keep the Japanese room tidy. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Indie A, 5A - for working diligently and demonstrating HERRRBY values during the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Amelia Z, 6C - for showing consistent engagement and great contributions during the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Stella P, PA - for showing good manners and trying her best during the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Oksana R, 1B - for your fantastic contributions and showing great Japanese skills during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Oliver K, 2D - for demonstrating good Japanese skills and showing good manners during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!