Principal's Report

ANZAC Day Assembly

Last Wednesday was an important opportunity for our whole school to come together to commemorate ANZAC Day. Our School Captains Jack, Indie, Nancy and Will did an excellent job leading the assembly. James Newbury, the member for Brighton in the Victorian Parliament, spoke about the significance of ANZAC Day and the people that sacrificed their lives to fight for their country. Our singing group ‘The Jets’ performed beautifully the song, The Last ANZAC, which captured the essence of the ANZAC spirit. It was lovely that many parents could be there for this special occasion.


I am sure most of you remember our wonderful neighbour Jim Arkell, and that he has joined us for many years for our ANZAC Day Assembly. As you know, very sadly, he passed away last year. We were so pleased to have Jim’s daughter, Mary, his son-in law Peter, and two of Jim’s great grandchildren, Francesca and Gillon, join us for the assembly. Francesca and Gillon recited beautifully ‘The Ode’ on behalf of their Great Grandpa Jim.



Pleasingly, fine weather is forecast for our Walkathon tomorrow. Children are to wear their uniform as usual but should wear comfortable shoes and bring a jacket. All money raised will go towards the building of a COLA (large shade structure) at the Junior Campus.  We will be leaving school around 9.10am. and returning at approximately 10.30am. Please join us if you can at ‘Landcox Park’ as the children complete their laps. Team Kids are providing free coffee for all adults! 


Sibling Photo Day 

Sibling photos will be taken from 9.00am this Friday, 3rd May.   Parents that would like their children to have a sibling photo and haven’t yet ordered the photos please contact Advanced Life on 98521133. Throughout the morning School staff will organise for the children to be collected from their classes for their photos. 


Thank You

This week we received a donation of 100 umbrellas from one of our parents, Oren Flamm. Being a dual campus school, the umbrellas will come in very handy next time we have rain! We are very appreciative Oren for your generous support! 



As there is an increasing prevalence of COVID, flu and colds in the community at the moment, it is vitally important that we do all we can to limit the spread of illness in schools. It is imperative that children displaying any cold like symptoms do not attend school. Thank you in advance, for understanding that unwell children are to be kept at home.