Parish News

Holy Family Parish


Working Bee – Saturday 27 April after 9.00am Mass at Our Lady’s Church. To prepare for our Parish Feast Day we are having a working bee to prepare the church and grounds for the day. Then join us for a light lunch. Please B.Y.O your favourite working gloves and equipment (e.g. broom). Please email if you can assist.






10.30am Mass Our Lady’s Church 

followed by procession and light lunch in the Large Hall

Please note the following Masses have been cancelled that morning. 

9.30 AM at Christ the King, 

8.00 AM Our Lady’s 

11.30 AM Vietnamese


Be part of a joyous occasion - Join the Welcoming Team!


Infant Baptism is usually held at Our Lady's Church in Maidstone every 3rd Sunday of the month at 11:30am

We are seeking volunteers to be rostered to assist the Priest during the monthly Baptism celebrations. 

The role includes:

1.  Greeting/Welcoming families.

2.  Ushering families to the Baptism font.

3.  Reading the Prayers of the Faithful. 

4.  Congratulating families and potentially assist them take their family/group photos (using their phones)

Training is provided. 

Please email to find out more about being a part of this exciting sacrament.



EDGE Youth Ministry Program


EDGE aims to provide youths with a safe and enjoyable place to explore their Catholic faith, get their questions answered, and to encounter the love of Jesus in a deep and profound way.


Held Friday fortnightly during school term.

7-9pm Our Lady’s Large Hall Lyon Street Maidstone. For enquiries please email: