
Science is a compulsory study at Year 10.



  Semester 1 - Core Science

Core Year 10 Science


 Semester 2 - Science options 

(Students complete one option)

Physical and Biological Science

Biochemical Science

Accelerated options

VCE Biology Unit 1 & 2 

VCE Environmental Science Unit 1 & 2 

Physics Unit 1 & 2 

VCE Psychology Unit 1 & 2

Possible pathways for studies in Science – Semester 2 options

Semester 1 - Core Science


This course is designed to provide students with a depth of science knowledge, skills and techniques to allow them to relate science to their lives and to succeed in the VCE Science Courses. 

This course covers the following main areas of study: 

  • Research, relationships and experimental design 
  • Now that you have learnt it what can you do with it? 
  • Exploration of key concepts which are pivotal to Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science and Biology 


Practical work, research tasks and topic tests.

Semester 2 - Core Science Options

Students complete one of the options. If students are taking a VCE Accelerated Science, they must choose option 1 or 2. 



The Semester 2 Core Science options have been designed to allow students to make choices based on their plans for studying VCE Science and their areas of interest. The options are intended to better prepare students for their future engagement with Science at the VCE level and beyond.

Option 1: Physical and Biological Science

Physical Science is recommended for students who intend to take one or more of the following VCE Science subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology or Environmental Science.

This option covers the following main areas of study:

  • Physics
  • Chemistry 
  • Biology
  • Scientific Method – Student designed investigation

Option 2: Biochemical Science

Physical Science is recommended for students who intend to take one or more of the following VCE Science subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Psychology or Environmental Science.

This option covers the following main areas of study:

  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Scientific Method – Student designed investigation

Year 10 students can elect to study Unit 1 & 2 of the following Science subjects. The VCE Curriculum Handbook has full details of the area of study and content of each unit.  

VCE Biology

VCE Environmental Science

VCE Physics

VCE Psychology