VCE Media Premiere 2023

Sheridan Dinsdale
Teacher - Media
Media Coordinator
Since the beginning of the school year, the Year 12 Media cohort have been working on their major productions.
This year, students all chose to work in the media of film. Students worked their way through the film industry production process from development phase to distribution phase – no small feat!
Throughout this process the students had to face and overcome challenges: they worked through their lunchtimes, sought guidance and advice, supported each other and spent many hours painstakingly editing their films. All this work was well rewarded when, at the red-carpet Media Premiere event held on Monday 16th October, the audience was treated to watching films of an outstanding standard.
As not only their teacher but as a captivated audience member, it was nothing short of inspiring to witness how every student had demonstrated unwavering dedication to their creative vision. To see the students' faces beaming with pride as they entered the theatre to the rapturous applause from their family, friends, teachers and peers was both overwhelming and was well deserved - given the time and dedication students had invested in their projects throughout the year.
Thank you to the many student and teacher helpers who assisted at the event, and to all the families and friends who attended and enjoyed the evening so much.
Lastly, a whole-hearted 'Thank You!' to these Year 12 students for sharing their creativity with us all. Keep your eye out for their names, some are surely to be in the spotlight one day soon!
Max McKenzie Fitzpatrick
Year 12 Media
Film Director
The Year 12 Media Premiere event was absolutely astonishing. There was such an air of nervousness, excitement and creativity as we revealed our visions. Friends and family were so supportive and encouraging throughout the entire process of scraping a film together, and we all managed to make something presentable and enjoyable for all. Adorned with pink accessories, we walked into the event as Junior Directors - and walked out with lifelong memories. Granted, these lifelong memories include the pain of the filming process and a premiere where our projector broke, but memories nonetheless!!!
I wouldn't trade Year 12 Media studies or the Media Film Premiere for the world!
Killian O'Connor Mckay
Year 9 Media student
Audience member
The Year 12 Media Premiere was an amazing experience - and one that I would absolutely go to again! This year's Year 12 students did an amazing job making films of all genres, from comedy films to coming of age films - even to thriller films. The quality of the films was very clearly displayed. My favourites included Soup (a bizarre romantic comedy), Rhythmic Pressure (a coming-of-age musical) and Cloudland (a coming-of-age story).
The film night was a great experience in many ways, but one of my favourite things about it was how the wide range of film genres helped me to think about films I could try to make. While the film night did have some technical issues, they were resolved fairly quickly and didn’t make a big impact on the evening.
Whether or not you [attended] Year 12 Media Premiere this year, I would highly recommend going to it next year. The films shown were amazing, and would appeal to many people. Going to see them was a great experience.
Editor has selected 3 of the Year 12 films for your enjoyment. Click on the photos below.