Secondary Community News 

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)


The 7/8 students have been busy learning about our inquiry unit - "Earth's Place in Space". Students have been busy learning about the eight different planets in our solar system. We have been making solar system displays, through making different planets each week and researching facts about the planets made. We have also been learning about the relationship that earth has with the moon and sun. We are excited to continue our learning about our solar system, and different ways we can protect our planet. Well done 7/8's!





Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)


Travel Training

Last week, 9/10A and 9/10B caught the V-line train to Geelong. It was a great opportunity for students to practice catching a different mode of transport that a lot of them had never caught before! We had a walk along the beach, and then we went to Westfield to practice our money skills by purchasing lunch. 9/10C and 9/10D are looking forward to going this week!


9/10 Café

The 9/10s have been hard at work running the student-led café. Students have been working on their Employability skills throughout the year. Students have been improving their communication skills by taking order forms around to staff, as well as delivering food to our takeaway customers. Students have been working in teams and taking initiative to fulfill their roles. AND the food is delicious!


This term, 9/10D is the Service Team in our Cafe. We have been learning how to set tables in a cafe or restaurant and how to serve customers. The students arrange and set the tables and when the customer arrives, they are greeted at the door and welcomed into Jackson Xpress. The waiters then seat the patrons and use their communication skills to serve them lunch. The skills they learn aim to prepare them for future work possibly in hospitality.



Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)

ACMI Visit

On Thursday 10th of August, VPC students went to the Australian Centre of Moving Image to learn about job opportunities and to have a bit of fun in the different exhibits. These are some of the students’ comments after the tour:

Mena: It was interesting, and they had cool stuff there in ACMI.

David: At ACMI I liked playing the different games.

Kaylan: It was fun because they had video games.

Joshua: ACMI was good because we saw the cars, arcades, old movies, costumes and more.

Jarred: It was interesting because ACMI had a lot of different things to see and do

Aicha: it was good because I learnt a lot.

Vivian: I think it was good because we learned a lot.

Kyra: it was alright because we learnt how jobs and volunteering at ACMI.

Tahlia W: it (exhibits) were good and colourful.

Noah: I went to ACMI and learnt lots of things about different jobs. I enjoyed going and liked the Mad Max car. 

Ethan: I think it is really fascinating seeing all the different costumes.

Tyler: it was very good and interesting. I liked the cars.

Levinia: it was very good because of the car, games and dresses.

Secondary Students of the Week

Week 6


Ayor 7/8A - For demonstrating responsibility to her learning and working well throughout the week.

Nam 7/8 - For showing great enthusiasm, concentration and effort with his work. Nam is becoming less distracted and more involved with others in class. Also for his helpfulness and consideration of others and the enjoyable way he entertains the class.

Simon 7/8C - For learning - doing his best and knowing when to ask for help.

Mary 7/8D For responsibility - for trying her best with her learning tasks and following teacher instructions. Well done!

Josh 7/8E - For learning- excelling in every writing lesson this week! Well done! 

Jessykah 9/10B for independence- Jess has been doing an amazing job in the classroom this week. She is becoming more independent with her learning. She is also completing many tasks independently. Great work Jess!


Ethan 9/10C for respect- Ethan has been an amazing friend lately, he always checks on his friends, and when he sees someone by themselves, he always checks in on them.


Justin 9/10A for learning- Justin has displayed a renewed attitude to learning. From participating in class discussions to the completion of classroom work.


Matthew 9/10A for responsibility- Matthew is always responsible member of our classroom, from the undertaking of special responsibilities in the classroom to the completion of his schoolwork. Well done, Matthew!


Andrew 9/10C for learning- Andrew engages in all tasks and is a great role model.


Kayla 9/10D for responsibility - Kayla demonstrates independence and responsibility in the classroom and in her daily learning.'


The whole of 9/10D, for being extremely responsible on their excursion!