Library News

A note from Mrs Jeanenne Gale

Last week we celebrated Book Week at Ben Venue with our Book Fair and parade. Many thanks to all parents who supported the fair. Due to your support, we will be able to purchase some new books for our library. It was also wonderful to see so many parents at the parade on Friday. The costumes were amazing!


The library continues to be a popular place both in the morning and at lunch time with different groups of students seen enjoying the space. Some of the activities on offer include Lego and construction, games and puzzles, chess, movies and the ever popular quiet reading.


All stages have been working hard this term on a range of different tasks.

  • Kindergarten and Stage 1 have been looking at the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia) shortlisted books for 2023 and completing activities based on these books.
  • Stage 2 are continuing to present their collaborative slides completed at the end of Term 2. They have also been learning about informative texts and the key features of these as well as brushing up on their research skills. They will use these skills to construct books in class groups about endangered animals.
  • Stage 3 classes have been integrating technology during tasks in the library this term. Tuesday's classes looked at the CBCA books for 2023 and are working on constructing book trailers on their chosen text using Canva. Thursday’s classes have been working collaboratively on an Inquiry Based Learning task using tablet robotics and Lego Spike.

Jeanenne Gale
