
A message from Early Stage 1

Our PAX word last week was ‘prepared’. Students were learning about ways to be prepared for school and for learning. Students engaged in discussions about ways they can prepare for school and what that can look like in a busy home. Please find below some suggestions for ways your child can gain some independence in preparing for school the next day.


In the evening:

  1. Pack your backpack
  2. Prepare your school uniform
  3. Set an alarm
  4. Go to bed on time

Pokemon and Disney cards are becoming an issue both in and outside of the classroom. Teachers cannot be responsible for these cards and we ask that students and families be aware that such items may be lost or damaged at school. They should not be brought into the classroom.


We are learning to: 

  • hear and say the sounds /ch/, /v/, /x/ and /y/
  • write the letters ‘v’, ‘x’ and ‘y’ using the correct formation
    • v - start at the top, go down, around and up 
    • x - start at the top, cross, start at the bottom, cross 
    • y - start at the top, go down, round, up and then down again right to the bottom and hook
  • recognise that two letters making one sound are called digraphs 
  • read tricky words: put, as & do
  • write a simple sentence containing a subject and a verb 
  • understand that adjectives are describing words


We are learning to:

  • take away the smaller number from the larger number to model subtraction
  • predict and compare two masses by hefting
  • provide explanations for my predictions
  • describe, name and make circles, squares, triangles and rectangles

Integrated Learning

We are learning to:

  • find different places on a map or image and describe where they are located
  • understand the language of a compass

Personal Development and Health (PDH)

We are learning to:

  • recognise our body’s reactions and signals to safe and unsafe situations
  • recognise that everyone has the right to say yes or no to touch, including affection 
  • recognise appropriate touch and explore how to respond to inappropriate touch 

Visual Arts

We are learning to:

  • use shapes to draw a farm scene - a cow in green pasture with a red barn
  • use skills of tracing, drawing, colouring, cutting, gluing, painting and techniques for making texture
  • create a barn by painting paper red, and adding horizontal or vertical lines


  • Home readers are to be returned on Friday and a new reader will be sent home on Monday. Reading at home is very important as is practising the ‘tricky words’.
  • Please look after our home readers, by keeping them away from water and younger siblings. These readers, while small, are quite expensive.

Book Week



































