The Arts

This term in Drama, we have utilised our findings in the recent student engagement research to provide our students with a deeper engagement in their learning by removing the use of devices for most of our lessons. Already within the first few weeks, student engagement climbed as they were increasingly collaborative, communicative, and connected in the designing, devising and performing stages of The Expressive Skills unit.
The student feedback from the research requested that the Drama teachers find more engaging ways to deliver our content and assessment feedback in order to improve the student learning. By removing student device usage for 80% of our lessons, our year 7 and 8 students have not only found themselves more engaged and excited to perform in our fortnightly performances, but also there has been an increase in our minor assessments across the board. It is an exciting time in the Drama Department.
A new semester of music brings a new group of budding young musicians and it's been great to see the engagement in these classes! Year 7 music have been enjoying the ukulele while Year 8 have been focused on the acoustic guitar. In addition to instrument skills the teaching team have been rolling out a program of musicianship skills (critical listening and writing music theory) to support students in their music studies into senior school. We wish them well in their upcoming assessments.
Students in Year 9 Music recently completed their first "performance platforms", a chance for students to showcase their work on an instrument of their choice for their peers, while receiving feedback from their classmates.
Instrumental Music
Lessons and ensembles are off to a flying start in Semester 2! We now have well over 100 students enrolled in lessons, and we have just commenced our first weekly after school supervised rehearsal, a contemporary rock band for Year 7 & 8 students led by one of our expert instrumental teachers. This ensemble is open to all students, not just those who learn an instrument. This term the focus for many students is on composition, combing their technical and creative skills. Regular practice also remains a goal for all, with teachers providing plenty of resources on Google Classroom for students to engage with.
If you want to get involved in an ensemble or lessons, families can sign up here or speak to a member of the Music Teaching Team for more information.