
Term 3 has seen students settle into a good rhythm with classwork and study routines.
After-school Maths help
Every Wednesday, at 3:15pm, students gather upstairs in the STEM centre to access one-on-one and small-group support from their Maths teachers. Students from year 7 all the way through to year 12 take advantage of this time to receive support with upcoming assessments, catch up on coursework and clarify any misunderstandings. All students are welcome, with help wrapping up at 4:30pm.
We strongly encourage our senior school students, particularly those undertaking VCE studies, to make use of this time to get that little boost in understanding!
Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years
Year 7 students engage in this year-long program that supports all students at their point of need. The purpose of the program, which runs once a week, is to strengthen their numeracy skills, which are the vital foundation that Maths depends upon. Students work in small groups with classmates of similar ability on tasks that are problem-based. One of the main goals is to ensure that all students can think multiplicatively as this supports their work in fractions and algebra.
You can support your child at home by ensuring they master their "times tables" facts.
Learning in our classrooms
Students are exposed to a variety of learning techniques within their classrooms. In addition to skills practice (where access to their online textbook and google classroom is vital), students are involved in problem-solving tasks, collaborative brainstorming and use of digital technologies. All of these skills are vital in 21st Century workplaces.
You can help your child achieve success by ensuring they have access to online textbooks and a functioning calculator, as well as encouraging them to complete classwork and homework.