Student Learning

Annabelle Marinelli - Deputy Principal & Learning and Teaching Leader

Book Week 

What a great week we have had at Trinity! Thank you to all our teachers, especially Mrs Shaw, our children and our families for making it such a wonderful Book Week! Here are some of the highlights from our week...


Dress Up Day and Parade

We had such a fun 'dress up' day and parade on Wednesday morning and we were so blessed with such a beautiful sunny morning. It was so great to see so many of our children and teachers who came dressed as their favourite book character. Thank you to our families for supporting your child with this. A huge thank to Mr David Gahan and Ms Sandra Stanton for being our superstar MC's for the parade! 

And a few videos...



Meerkat Productions

Meerkat Productions performed an adaptation of one of Book Week's shortlisted books 'Frank's Red Hat' by Sean E Avery. Our children wore their own red hats and enjoyed the performance...


Scholastic Book Fair 

Once again for Book Week, we had the Scholastic Book Fair in the library...

From Mrs Barbara Shaw:

Thank you everyone for visiting, browsing and supporting our wonderful annual Book Fair during Book Week. It is always great to see it hustling and bustling in the Library during this time and lots of fun! Thank you to the Library Leaders and all the other helpers, who made sure it runs smoothly. It is very much appreciated and every dollar spent makes money for our school and we have been able to choose new books for our library. 

How exciting to get them on the shelves soon and for everyone to borrow. 

Thank you again and I am already looking forward to next year!

Mrs. Shaw


Surprise Reader

Each year we have our annual 'Surprise Reader' during book week. Staff choose their favourite book to read to a class that does not expect them as the 'Surprise Reader'. Here are just a few surprise readers from across the week....


Book Week Literature and Art Activities 

On Wednesday we had our Book Week literature and Art Activity rotations across the school. The children had the opportunity to listen to some of the shortlisted Book Week books as well as engaging in some wonderful art activities related to the books...


School Assembly tomorrow

Tomorrow, at our usual school assembly, we will have a Book Week presentation where children from each class will share some learning from across the week. 

We look forward to families joining us a little earlier at 2:30pm on this day.


Year 3/4 Science Incursion: Robogals

As part of our Science Week learning, Ms Kate Foley organised for our Year 3/4 students were to experience the 'Robogals' coding incursion. Students were involved in coding robots to make them move. This extends the learning they are doing in class with the coding program 'Scratch' as part of their learning in Digital Technologies.

Art Show: Artist Nicholas Tsekouras at Trinity

This week, we once again, welcomed again visual artist Nicholas Tsekouras working with Ms Anna Plackett in the art room and leading our students through some collage work in prepartion for our Art Show.


Nicky is a well known local artist who has been recognised for his work and contribution to Yarra Community, being awarded the 'City of Yarra Young Citizen of the Year' award. He attended Xavier College as a student and now works at Yarra Youth Services as their Artist in Residence. He has most recently worked with the Art Teacher at Sacred Heart Primary School in Kew, and is busy with his own personal art works and exhibitions as well. We warmly welcome Nicky to our community and look foward to the work he will create with our students.

The Huddle- Year 5/6BOC Excursion

This week 5/6BOC attended 'Game Day' at 'The Huddle' at North Melbourne Football Club with Ms Bridget O'Connor as part of our Science Week events.  Game Day leverages the power of sport to strengthen STEM skills and aims to increase engagement among all learners, while improving student confidence. The lessons that our children will participate in have been designed in association with the Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV), The Huddle and Melbourne City Football Club. Special thanks to Kate Foley for organising this for our students.

'Speech Pathology for Schools' Speech Box

Staying in touch...

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to make contact with your child's teacher. You are also welcome to come and see me about any aspect of learning at Trinity.


Annabelle Marinelli 

Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching Leader