with Kieran Ebert and Daniel Howard

Farewell Mr. Howard from 3D and Cathy Micallef (Education Support)

Here are a few of the thoughts about our first year of Music.


We loved “The Hands Go Up and Hands Go Down” song when we start class; find the egg or Sleepy Kangaroo at the end of class, and Pass the Beat around. 


Here are what some of the students said:-


It was loud but fun – Stella


I loved Playing my heart out – Blake


I liked playing the drums – Nav


I liked learning about the orchestra and the different instrument families like Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion. We learned about setting the mood using music for characters in film and of course playing keyboards and marimba -  Rachel


Some of the songs we learned were Cabbage Café, Heat Waves, Blinding Lights, Hedwig Theme from Harry Potter, Apple Tree, Imperial March from Star Wars.


Thanks also for Music Club at lunch with Mr. Ebert, setting up at all the assemblies and of course the The Bee Musical put together by the Drama team.


We’ll miss you.  Enjoy your travels hope you come back.


Merry Christmas Mr. Howard!!!

