Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones

I have been incredibly proud of the way our students have represented the school over the past fortnight. Our students have been to stage 3 camp, stage 1 excursion, inter school choir rehearsal, PSSA, debating, multicultural public speaking competition just to name a few. Our students are the greatest ambassadors of our school and are also a credit to their families. We have more big events coming up this week with the festival of the bands between Roselea and Carlingford High School taking place tomorrow night. I know our participating students will perform brilliantly and I am looking forward to seeing them perform their best tomorrow night. 


Book Week 2023

We had a wonderful Book Week parade this morning. Some of the costumes were absolutely unbelievable! Thank you to Mrs Vassila for doing a great job organising the event and instilling a love of literature and reading in all our students.  


Kindy 2024

Our first parent information session is coming up on Thursday 31st August. It is not too late to be involved in this event so if you have a child starting school this year, please click on the link below to complete the enrolment process.


I would also appreciate you passing this on to other people outside our school community you know who will be coming to Roselea in 2024. For a successful transition to school, these sessions are vital so it would be great if everyone who is coming in 2024 is able to attend.



If you haven’t already, I encourage you to keep up to date with the life of the school via our Roselea PS Facebook page. Follow our page below:

This page will give you real time photos and updates of some of the events happening at the school. 


Principal Awards

Principal Bronze Awards