Principal's Message

This is the final newsletter for Term 3 and as if in the blink of an eye, this term has flown by, leaving us with a lot of memories. From the Scienceworks excursion to the multiple sporting events, and the valuable lessons in our social skills and health programs, it's been a term of growth and discovery. The excitement of soccer coaching, the awesomeness of Book Week, and countless other events have made this term certainly a very busy one. We are looking forward to seeing all the students back here on Monday 2nd of October.
Picnic Tables Have Arrived
As mentioned in the last newsletter, we've had our picnic tables arrive and we're looking for some helpers to assemble them. If you're able to help out, please let me know and we can work out a time during the week or upcoming holidays.
2/3/4 Students Making Paper
Our 2/3/4 grade delved into the world of sustainability and recycling. Over the past weeks, our students have been actively engaged in learning about sustainable practices, culminating in a hands-on project.
Learning about sustainability isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's about putting that knowledge into practice. That's why our students made their own recycled paper. With some support, our young environmentalists shredded paper into tiny pieces, and then worked together to create their very own sheets of recycled paper. This hands-on experience allowed them to witness firsthand the transformation of waste materials into something useful.
Farm Animal Visit
We had a very special visitor, Sue from Dreaming Goats, come to Bolinda Primary School. Sue's visit brought an abundance of joy and excitement as she introduced us to some furry friends! The star attractions were the adorable baby goat and lamb, and the fuzzy baby chicks Sue had brought along. Our students loved the opportunity to eagerly pet and hold these baby animals. Thank you to Sue for taking the time out of her busy schedule to visit our school.
Yarning Circle Taking Shape
Over the past weeks, our yarning circle has been coming to life, and it's been heartwarming to see the active involvement of our children in shaping it into something that will become a special space. What's truly remarkable about our development is the active participation of our children. They've rolled up their sleeves and, quite literally, gotten their hands dirty! I've witnessed their enthusiasm as they grabbed shovels and worked side by side, spreading mulch to create a welcoming and comfortable space for everyone. Stay tuned for further updates on the progress of our yarning circle. We're excited to see how this space will continue to evolve and become a focal point for our community.
Whole School Celebration
Our Fundraising Team has organised a whole-school event to wrap up Term 3! The theme of the day is "I Like to Move It", a day full of activities that promise to get the children's minds and bodies working. Our staff will also be joining in on the fun, forming their own team to participate.
Dress for Action: Encourage your child to wear comfortable, active-friendly clothing and sneakers. If they're inclined, they can even come dressed in their favourite team or sports attire.
Lunchtime Delights: We have a fundraising lunch planned, featuring hotdogs and party pies. To be included in this delicious lunch, you'll need to pre-purchase the items from the form that was sent home earlier in the week. Please complete the form and return it, along with the funds. Your support here will directly contribute to acquiring much-needed replacement softball/t-ball equipment, including a catcher's chest protector and mask.
The weather looks to be changing and Friday (while forecasted to be windy, looks to be substantially warmer than today).
Garden Produce
On Wednesday, September 6th, after school, we had crisp and delicious lettuce available for our school community to take home. This freshly harvested lettuce came from our thriving school garden and was provided by our Sustainability Team. We hope that families enjoyed the fresh, locally grown produce.
Indigenous Incursion
On Tuesday 12th, we have an educational experience for our students to bring a deeper understanding of Indigenous culture and traditional games. Students will participate in traditional Aboriginal games and be immersed in cultural education. We believe this opportunity will enrich our students' understanding of Indigenous culture and foster a sense of unity and appreciation for our rich cultural heritage.
End of Term
The final day of this term is just around the corner, on Friday, September 15th. School will end early at 2:30 PM.
Term 4 begins on Monday, October 2nd. It's important to remember that we will NOT have a Curriculum Day on the first day of term.
Our Curriculum Day is scheduled for the day before Melbourne Cup Day, which falls on November 6th, 2023.
Jordan Chamerski