Rector's Report

Greetings! I know it is a fraction early with Christmas greetings, but this will be my final newsletter for 2024, I would like to extend my Christmas peace, joy, and greetings to you all. I have enjoyed presenting my rector’s section of the newsletter once again this year. I hope you have enjoyed the content and found some of the reflections encouraging for your spiritual life as well coming to know the Oblates and our united mission a little clearer. As one-year begins to wind down we are already planning for a new beginning in 2025 which includes the welcoming of our new Year 7 cohort for their Orientation Day on December 9. No doubt these young men will bring a new dynamic to the spirit and energy of our college life, and we look forward to that.
Our College community will finish the academic year today, Friday December 6 with a celebration of the Eucharist in the Provence Centre at 11.00am. The main celebrate and preacher will be our outgoing Provincial Fr Christian Fini OMI. I will offer my Mass for all your intentions especially that you will stay safe and healthy over the Christmas holiday period and into the New Year of 2025.
St Eugene de Mazenod
Charles Joseph Eugène de Mazenod was born in Aix-en-Provence in France in 1782. The family was forced to flee successively to Turin, Venice, Naples and Palermo. Eugene’s adolescence was impoverished. In September 1815, he experienced an “impulse from without” that set him firmly on the path of apostolic action. He gave himself body and soul to the realization of his plans to establish a society of missionaries. On January 25, 1816, the society of the Missionaries of Provence was born. Pope Leo XII on February 17, 1826, formally approved the newly founded Congregation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Its motto: “He has sent me to evangelize the poor” expressed both its charism and way of life. Pope John Paul 11 canonized St Eugene de Mazenod 29 years ago on December 3, 1995, in St Peters, Rome. At the canonization the Pope stressed: “The Church gives us this great Bishop and Founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate as an example of heroic faith, hope and charity.”
Rosies 50th Anniversary
On Sunday November 24 the Rosies Oblate Street Mission, Victoria gathered at St John Vianney Parish, Springvale North for the 50-year milestone of outreach to the vulnerable and marginalized on our Melbourne streets. Personally, it was great opportunity to meet up with volunteers I hadn’t seen in almost 30 years. Rosies continues to play an important role in assisting our senior students fulfill their motto: “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve”. Thank you to the Mazenod staff members and college leaders who attended the celebration of the Eucharist.
Adore - De Mazenod Family Advent Program
The De Mazenod Family Advent Program for 2024 – Adore continues. It is not too late to use some of the material offered to help you in your preparation for the celebration of Christmas. Why not join us for the last couple of weeks on Thursday evenings with a starting time of 8.00 pm AEDT. Details can be found at the website: This program allows you time and space to forget about the busyness of our daily lives, and to stop and prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord!
Advent Reflection
Last Sunday, December 1, we commenced the Advent Season. It is the beginning of a New Year in our Christian liturgical calendar. The word "advent," comes from the Latin adventus (Greek Parousia), means "coming" or "arrival." The Season of Advent marks the 25 days, or four Sundays, before Christmas. The readings for the new liturgical year will be from the Sunday Cycle Year C and Weekday Cycle Year 2. The scripture readings and prayers not only prepare us spiritually for Christmas (Jesus’ first coming), but also for his eventual second coming.
The symbols for Advent are the circular Advent wreath, representing God's infinite love, and is usually made of evergreen leaves, which "represent the hope of eternal life brought by Jesus Christ”. The Advent Candles within the wreath represent the four weeks of the Advent season as well as "the light of God coming into the world through the birth of Jesus Christ." One candle lit each Sunday. Three of the candles are purple because the colour violet is the seasonal liturgical colour of the vestments and signifies a time of prayer, penance, and preparation. The third candle (3rd Sunday of Advent) is pink and symbolizes the liturgical colour for joy and is meant to remind us of the joy that the world experienced at the birth of Jesus, as well as the joy that the faithful have reached the midpoint of Advent.
2025 Year 7 Cohort
On the evening of Monday December 2, the college witnessed a near capacity crowd of around 500 for the 2025 Year 7 cohort and families welcome gathering. It was great to experience the joy and enthusiasm of the new students and their families as they embark on this new phase of their son’s educational journey.
A special thanks to members of the Mazenod Parents and Friends Association who were also in attendance.
Raising Funds for a Cause
Lydia St Ange gives a huge shout out to her Year 12 VCE VM cohort and fellow teachers who raised $620 for MAMI through the car wash this term! Thanks, also to the staff members who enabled this fund raiser to be successful by having their cars washed. Fr Eric Alleaume OMI, Director of the Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate visited the College on Tuesday December 3 to receive the generous result of the student’s efforts which will assist our sisters and brothers in our Oblate Missions.
Junior Music Gala Evening
Tuesday, December 3 we once again witnessed the Junior Music Gala in the Provence Centre. This gala is an opportunity for our younger students to showcase their musical talents in front of their families and friends. The college is very proud of our students’ achievements and commitment. We thank our generous and talented music department teachers who guide and encourage our students throughout the year.
National Oblate Youth Encounter 2025
The annual National Oblate Youth Encounter brings together young people from around Australia who want to share their Catholic faith in tandem with the Charism of St Eugene De Mazenod. NOYE is a great opportunity for new friendships to be formed and for old friends to catch up. The National Oblate Youth Encounter is for young people (Year 12 - 30 years old) and will be held from Friday January 3, 2025, 12.00pm till Monday, January 6, 12.00pm at Mazenod College, Victoria. This year’s theme "Leave Nothing Undared!” will explore the charism of St Eugene de Mazenod. The cost is $100.00. Contact Email: or I ask that parents encourage their son or daughter to consider attending this event. It might break the boredom of the holidays.
Need a last-minute gift that keeps on giving?
Christmas in our Christian tradition is a time to celebrate God's love for the world through the birth of the Christ child: Jesus. It is also a time of giving to others. Most of our giving is to close family and friends. However, as Christians we are also called to care for our neighbour, people we will never meet. How can we do this?
Oblate Christmas Gift Card. How many gifts do we receive or give that are really needed? We all have so much. The idea behind this giving is that you purchase a card or cards from various amounts to assist people in our Oblate Missions. The card you purchase is sent to your family or friends and it explains that you have purchased this gift card on their behalf to help someone in need. It is about thinking about giving outside of the normal gift giving box.
These cards can be purchased from the Front Office (via cash only) or on online through MAZCOM or
Generous responses make this world a better place for our unseen neighbour. This is a gift that keeps on giving.
Some Christmas and holiday cheer!
I pray that your family and extended family will receive all the joy, peace, hope, and love that the Christmas season offers. May it be a time to relax and spend time together.
May the spirit of Christmas carry you and your loved ones forward into 2025 with good health and hope for a better world for all to enjoy.
Christmas Blessings from our Mulgrave Oblate Community
Fr Harry, Fr David & Fr Casmir
Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate
Fr Harry Dyer OMI