Banyan Fields Community Care
Breakfast Club
Every Tuesday and Fridays
From 8:00am - 8:40am
Foyer of Sports Hall
Eat Up Program
We're fortunate to have the support of Eat Up Australia, providing sandwiches to students in need.
Eat Up tirelessly fundraises to make this possible. If you, your workplace, or anyone you know can contribute to Eat Up, please reach out to us at
Eat Up is currently seeking donations of bread, cheese, fruit, and snacks. Perhaps you know a local business that could organise a Snack Drive.
Banyan Fields Primary School is a SunSmart school. Students are required to wear a green wide-brimmed/bucket hat for all outdoor activities between September and April to protect their face and neck from sunburn. If students do not have a hat, they must play in the shade. Hats are available for purchase through our uniform supplier PSW.
It is recommended that sunscreen be applied to students in the morning before they attend schoo
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