Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2 families,
As we near the end of the year we celebrate together the fantastic growth and progress our grade 2 students have made. As a team we appreciate and thank each of our wonderful Grade 2 families for all your support. We are preparing students for a positive start to Grade 3 in 2025 by supporting students in feeling confident and excited. We have been doing step up activities such as letters to our future Grade 3 teachers.
Our students have enjoyed learning incredible wonders of the Human Body in our Reading Unit. Student learned and explored the connection of our five senses and what part of the body each sense is connected to. Student learned and described how our cells, tissues, organs and body systems are connected. We explored the digestive and excretory system and why nutrients are important for our bodies. Students explored why a well-balanced diet is important and we looked at foods that give us good sources of protein, carbohydrates, water and fats. Students then devised their menus for a grade 2 student for a day and created well balanced healthy and diverse food and drink options.
In writing lessons, we’ve been brushing up on our syntax skills ready for Grade 3. Working on descriptive sentences including who, what, when, where and why to add detail and depth to our writing. We have been working on using pronouns (he, she, they) and conjunctions correctly (including since and whenever) to support our writing. We have seen so much growth in students writing over the year. Well done legend writers! All the good habits and working towards your goals is showing. Over the summer break we encourage families to support students to keep up their writing such as through journalling, creative writing, short stories, or writing short book/movie reviews and recounts of their experiences.
Our Grade 2 students showed fantastic growth in their money learning unit with many students meeting or exceeding their identified growth goal for money. Students practiced counting collections of Australian coins and notes, compare values, calculate money for purchases and the change through hands on learning and multiple step problem solving. We have then reviewed our grade 2 data and further focused and supported students’ understandings and skills in making and representing three and four digit numbers using MAB number blocks, place value charts and remaking numbers through hands on learning, learning games and problem solving.
Students have been learning to add the prefix pre to base words to change the meaning of words such as pretest, preview, predict, preheat, prepay and prepack.
Grade 2 Notices
- With the warm weather upon us we encourage students to be sun safe by wearing a school hat and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Please keep supporting students by labelling uniform and reminding students
- Thanks parents / adult care givers for supporting our Grade students love of reading at home. Helping and reminding students to fill and bring in their reading journal diaries.
- We encourage families to support students in talking about their learning and successes as they bring their completed learning books home to show you.