Grade 1 Community News

Dear Grade 1 Families and Carers,
What an incredible year we have had! We cannot believe we only have two weeks left of grade one! This year our grade ones have shown tremendous growth and all their teachers are so proud of them! Here are some of the amazing things we have experienced and achieved this year.
Throughout the year, students have explored a wide range of different texts and genres. They have developed their ability to read with fluency and expression and use a range of different comprehension strategies to understand what they are reading. Through our Read to Learn students have to investigated and expanded their knowledge of fascinating topics such as Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Animals and Habitats to just name a few!
This year students have continued to learn new sounds and spelling choices, applying their learnt skills across different genres of writing. This year our grade one students have learnt how to write; information reports, narratives and persuasive texts. In the coming weeks students will be bringing home their writing books and possibly different writing samples. This would be a great opportunity for you to reflect with your child about how far they have come and to celebrate their tremendous growth!
We have had such a busy year of learning in maths and we are so proud of how far students have come! Over the next two weeks students will be revising concepts that we have learnt throughout the year including number patterns, addition, subtraction, length and data to just name a few. This year students have also learnt many fun maths games that we have played during our warm ups. You may like to ask your child about these and play some at home! Some of our favourites have been; get out of my house, don’t get stuck, buzz and date maths.
This year we began learning new tier two vocabulary words. These were selected from our serial text each term. This year our students have learnt over 100 tier two words! They have engaged in a wide range of fun activities using their vocabulary words each week, such as; Pictionary, charades, word colours and many more. Students have worked hard to use their new words in their speaking and writing and impressing their teachers!
Werribee Zoo Excursion
To continue to build on students understanding of our Read2Learn unit of Animals and Habitats, the Grade 1s recently went to the Werribee Zoo. They had an amazing time learning about different animal habitats and loved seeing a variety of animals close up. Students had the chance to go on the safari bus and learnt which animals live in arid areas, the savannah, the Sahel, and the Sahara.
We thank you for your continued support and contribution to your child’s learning throughout the year. We wish all our families a happy and safe holidays and we can’t wait to hear all about the adventures of grade 2 next year.