French News

Bonjour mes amis! (Hello my friends!)
Comment allez-vous? (How are you?)
Here’s a quick run-down of our learning over the past fortnight.
Grade Prep have been learning that different languages are used by their classmates and developing an understanding of Australia as a multicultural society. They have also learned about some of the very famous landmarks in France, including the iconic Eiffel Tower.
Grade 1 explored the symbols and colours used by communities around the world, recognising indigenous Australian art as a visual language and discovering that the French language is spoken in 29 countries around the world, including many African nations as well as countries in Europe, North America and the Pacific islands. They too have learnt about famous landmarks in France.
Grade 2 listened to a Fairytale in French and noticed that many words in French are similar or identical to French words. (apart from the pronunciation). They also noticed many French words that are synonyms of English words. (‘timide’ in French means ‘shy’). We explored French culture and Christmas celebrations, comparing them to our celebrations in Australia.
Grade 3 have learned how to write numbers from 60-80 in French and had fun practising by playing number Bingo. They also learnt how to tell if a noun is ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ by looking at the word endings. (e.g. if a word ends in ‘eau’ it’s a masculine noun, ‘tion’ it’s a feminine noun.
Grade 4 explored the French national art museum “Le Louvre” by conducting their own research. They also learnt how to pronounce and construct numbers from 80-100 in French.
The senior school (Grades 5 and 6) have been reflecting on their experience of learning French this year by discussing what they have learnt, which parts of the learning they enjoyed and aspects that they didn’t like. To showcase their leaning this year they created a display to demonstrate their progress in French.
Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!
(Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)