Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,


As we enter the final week of our school year and publish our last school newsletter for 2024, I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude for such a successful school year. To the countless volunteers that have contributed to the life of our school this year - thank you! At Holy Trinity we are extremely fortunate to have so many people who give so generously of their time and talents. It is an absolute pleasure and privilege to be a school leader in the HT community.  So once again, thank you!


A special thank you to our dedicated and hardworking staff. The staff at Holy Trinity strive to provide the best learning environment to meet the individual needs of all students in our school. They have a strong commitment to professional learning, a true example of what it means to be life-long learners. Being a teacher can be extremely challenging but also incredibly rewarding. I am most grateful for the support of all staff in working towards our school motto; `Love One Another’.


Finally, thank you most of all to our amazing students at HT and SMC. It has been a pleasure to lead you as School Principal and to observe and acknowledge the academic, social and spiritual growth in so many of our students.


We look forward to acknowledging and celebrating the primary school journey of our Year 6 students this Wednesday evening at the Graduation Mass and Ceremony. They have been a wonderful cohort of students throughout their time at HT and been great role models and leaders of our school this year.


I would also like to wish our departing students and families well for 2025 and beyond.   I would like to thank these parents for entrusting our staff for the education and care of their child. I would also like to thank them for their many and varied contributions to our community - thank you!


Staffing for 2025

Following our `Move Up’ session today, we can announce the staffing and classroom teacher allocations for 2025:


School Leadership

Principal - Mr Adrian Scutt (until 3rd March, 2025)

Deputy Principal / Learning & Teaching - Ms Natalie Ballinger  

Religious Education & Digital Tech - Mr Denham Harvie

Prep-2 Learning Leader / Literacy Mrs Andrea Dowling 

3-6 Learning Leader / Learning Diversity  / Mathematics  - Mrs Anne Cochrane 

Student Wellbeing - Liz Humphris



Prep Yellow  - Mrs Chelsi Taylor 

Classroom Teacher Support - Signora Josie Formichelli 


Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Blue  -  Mrs Steph Schauer (Mon-Wed) & Mrs Andrea Dowling (Thurs/Fri)

Year 1/2 Yellow -  Miss Olivia Cowie 

Year 1/2 Green  - Mrs Carly Booth


Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Blue  - Mrs Breeann Schafter 

Year 3/4 Yellow -  Mrs Alex Gaffy

Year 3/4 Green  - Miss Estephania Rodrigues 


Year 5 /6

Year 5/6 Blue  -  Mrs Cassandra Bellofiore (Mon-Wed) & Mrs Anne Cochrane (Thurs-Fri)  

Year 5/6 Yellow  Mr Rhett Masters

Year 5/6 Green -  Mr Damian O’Bryan (Mon-Thurs) & Mr Denham Harvie (Fri)


Specialist Teachers (Tuesday - Thursday)

Italian / Performing Arts - Signora Josie Formichelli

Physical Education - Miss Liz Humphris 

Visual Arts - Mrs Caroline Laming

Digital Technologies - Mr Denham Harvie


Teacher Intervention Support

Mrs Michelle Garvey 


Library Technician

Mrs Wilma Honeysett


Learning Support Officers (LSOs)

Mrs Helen Richardson

Mrs Christine Stephen 

Mrs Jan D’Angelo

Mrs Robyn Barberis 

Mrs Zoe Doyle

Mrs Jan Markou

Mrs Narelle Cooper 

Mrs Wilma Honeysett 

Mrs Elise O’Carroll  

Miss Stephanie Mihaloudakis


School Administration Officers

Mrs Rita Sikacek - Finance 

Mrs Tania Fraser 

Mrs Robyn Barberis 

SRC Initiative - casual dress and sausage sizzle - Monday 16th December

To celebrate the end of the school year, the Student Representative Council (SRC), under the guidance of Mr Shannon Mullavey, have organised a casual dress day and sausage sizzle on Monday 16th December. 


The casual dress is free and the purchase of sausages is optional, at a cost of $2 per sausage in bread.      Please see further on in the Newsletter for more details.


Semester Two Reports 

School reports will be accessible online from Monday 9th December.   Below are the instructions to access your child/ren's school reports:


1) Login to SIMON Everywhere or to 


2) Click on the Home option 


3) Click on your child's name (where their photo is located)


4) Click on the Profile Menu and scroll down to the Assessment Reports option as per the screenshot.



You should now be able to access your child/ren's school report.  If you have any queries please phone the school office or email Mr Mullavey (

Lost Property Items

If you child is missing uniform items, lunch containers  or drink bottles please ask them to check the table outside the front of the office.  

Last day of School (Year 6 / Years Prep - 5)

Our Year 6 students will finish the school year on Friday 13th December with a Guard of Honour commencing on the basketball court at approx 3pm.  We will gather in the Great Space at 2.50pm for a short assembly, followed by the guard of honour.


Students in Years Prep - 5 will finish school on Tuesday 17th December at 1pm. There will be a Prep Graduation ceremony (Prep parents only) at 9am and a whole school assembly (all parents welcome) at 12.30pm. This will include the presentation of TORCH Bearer of the Term Awards.


Please note that supervision will not be provided by the school for students after 1pm (unlike Terms 1, 2 and 3). TheirCare will be open to provide a service from 1pm until 6pm.


Holy Trinity Representative Uniforms 

Final call out for any Holy Trinity sport uniforms that  you  may have at home, to be returned to school this week  (shorts, T-shirts, basketball singlets, football guernseys, &representative socks).


2025 - Term 1 key dates

Please refer to the 'Important Dates' page of the newsletter and note the  key dates for 2025.




Warm Regards,


Adrian Scutt





Time to eXcel