Year One/Two News

What an amazing start to the year in the Millie Building! All of the students have settled in so well and are enjoying getting to know their teachers and classmates. It is great to see so many smiling faces each morning, we are all very excited for the year ahead!
Enjoy some photos of our first few days back at school:
Some important information/ reminders for 1/2 families:
- Home Reading will look different this year due to our new Literacy program, InitiaLit. Students will not be taking home readers for the first few weeks of school. In the meantime, we strongly encourage students to read books they have at home or listen to family members read. More information to come!
- If students do not have a school/ navy blue broad brimmed hat, they will be required to sit in the ‘no hat, no play’ area at recess and lunch time, please ensure this is supplied as soon as possible
- Please ensure students have headphones and an art smock at school
- An overview of learning for Term 1 will be sent home in the next couple of weeks. We can't wait to show you what is in store for our learning this term
- If you are not yet connected to your child’s classroom SeeSaw page, please see your child’s teacher
- It would be great to have all students bringing a drink bottle to school, especially hot days
The Millie Team
Ms Woodfield, Ms Kennedy, Mrs Brown, Claire, Holly and Jaymie