Foundation News 

We would like to wish a huge WELCOME and CONGRATULATIONS to our 2025 Foundation students!!!


We started the school year off with our assessment days last week. This was a great opportunity for each child to sit one-on-one with their teacher and go over some literacy and numeracy questions.

This week, the Foundation students have had their first proper days of school. Each class has been developing their classroom expectations and routines. We have been learning about our School Values of Courage, Kindness and Respect.

We look forward to a year full of learning, wondering, questioning, playing and laughing together!

Thank you to the Foundation families for all of your support at the beginning of your child's school journey!


  • Please remember to send your child's art smock and headphones with an aux cord (to plug into the classroom iPads). Have these clearly labelled with your child's name.
  • Ensure your child has their reader satchel clearly named.
  • We are looking forward to The Courier coming to take the students' photos for the Big Steps Little Feet feature on Feb 21st. It will be published on March 12th. Stay tuned for more information.
  • Each morning we stop for Brain Food for 10 minutes. They are able to have Fruit, Vegetables, Yoghurt and Cheese. Please ensure your child has easy to handle and consume options for this time. Eg: pre-cut fruit and vegetables.
  • If your child requires sunscreen, please apply this before school and they will be encouraged to reapply it themselves at lunch time. You can have them practice applying their own sunscreen at home. If your child has sensitive skin, please send their own sunscreen to school.

From Ms Mayes, Miss Muller and Rick :)