Specialists - PE (Katherine & Miss Wood)

Welcome back to all of our

MRPS Sensational Sporty Students!

It’s a brand new year friends and do we have an ACTION PACKED term of movement for you!

We are shaking things up a little this term and beginning with some Minor Games to play while you are creating new connections with your fellow classmates.  

This will be an excellent opportunity for you to show off your skills but also make friends amongst these new people in your MRPS ‘team’!

We will then start our main focus of training for the annual

Miners Rest Primary School Athletics Carnival that will be on the second last day of term one (more information to come).  

For our senior students this involves practising techniques and improving our ability to undertake a range of athletics based events including;

*Shot Put


*Long Jump

*Triple Jump

*High Jump

*800m long distance

*200m sprint

*100m sprint

*Circular Relay

For our junior school, we will be focussing on skills we need to compete in tabloid sporting events including;

*Overarm vortex throw

*Obstacle course

*Long jump

*75m sprint 

*High jump

You can start to think about practising these events at home or at school during snack times (apart from the throwing events).  

We also have some big events for our senior school students to try out for and participate in.  

Below is a basic timeline of events for the term so that you can mark them in your calendar!  Remember, that if you want to try out for something, get training and come join the fun!  Everyone is welcome to give it a ‘RED HOT GO’ and you never know, you might just be the next Ash Barty, Steve Moneghetti or Cathy Freeman!

Don’t forget your hat, sunscreen and a drink bottle full of water so we are ready for all that Mother Nature throws at us.

We can’t wait to see all of your smiling faces and get straight back into having a BALL in PE!


Sprint trials (3-6 @school)

Thursday February 13th, 2025

Cross Country trials (3-6 @park)

Friday March 14th, 2025

Schools Tennis Tournament 

(5/6 @Ballarat Tennis Centre)

Wednesday February 12th, 2025

MRPS Athletics/Tabloid Sports Carnival 

(F-6 @Llanberris Reserve)

Thursday April 3rd, 2025