Principal's Report

We, at Miners Rest Primary School, would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation.
We pay our respects and thank the Wadawurrung people.
May we share your land. We promise to look after it, as well as the animals and people too.
Successful Start
We are delighted with the successful start that all children have had across the kindergarten and school site. Children have entered the gates with excitement to begin their learning for 2025 and our staff were very ready to welcome them. We thank our families for the preparation provided to ensure that students are equipped to start their learning and engagement successfully.
School Crossing Use
It is of vital importance we all take the time to re-set and ensure the correct use of our three school crossing zones. Please assist us in the safe passage of all students to and from school via supportive and instructional conversations in correct and safe use of our crossings.
Please be mindful to use our school values of 'kindness' and 'respect' with our crossing supervisors also, who do a wonderful job protecting our school community throughout the year.
Badge Presentations
This Friday, February 7 at 2:30 pm our student leaders will be presented with their badges at a special assembly. Our school community are very welcome to join us for this special assembly.
The election process for student representatives on Junior School Council will be underway shortly. The badge presentation for the Junior School Council Representatives will be on Friday February 28 at 2:30 pm. As always our school community are welcome to join us.
Connect Ed
The Connect Ed Program will be delivered again in 2025.
Connect Ed provides the opportunity for families to experience what and how your child learns at Miners Rest Primary School. Each session offers interactive and hands-on activities, particularly in the areas of English and Maths.
The purpose of Connect Ed is to assist families in supporting learning at home and also, enable participants to become a classroom helper, where you can volunteer to work in a classroom, should you wish.
Connect Ed is a 4-week program, with hourly sessions each week. We offer two sessions each Wednesday, morning and evening, to enable as many parents as possible to attend. We are also able to provide free childcare from our Out of School Hours Care facility for either session.
Take the opportunity to register and engage in this invaluable opportunity.
Stay tuned
With lots of opportunities for family engagement, and many events happening throughout the term, please stay updated through Sentral, the School Newsletter, our Official Facebook Page and SeeSaw.
We are very much looking forward to sharing with you a busy and enjoyable term,
Kylie Nissen.