Classroom Stars and Achievers

Stars of the Week
Harrison J
For showing Respect and manners when asking questions (Rick D3)
Lewis G
For being a role model in D4! (Ms Mayes D4)
Niamh T
For showing respect and kindness to her peers and teachers (Miss Muller D5)
All of M1
For starting the year with Courage and enthusiasm (Ms Woodfield/Ms Kennedy M1)
Harmony R
For taking turns when playing a game (Mrs Brown M2)
Zoe H-H
For following M3's class expectations (Claire M3)
Huxley E
For helping his friends get organised (Holly M4)
Leo McK
For starting Year One with a positive attitude (Jaymie M5)
Outstanding Achievers
B1 Class of 2025
For an amazing start to the school year! (Lauren B1)
Room B4
For a successful start to the year! (Mr Loader B4)
Abby A
For showing our school value of Kindness by sharing her resources with others (Jess B5)
Seth C
For bringing enthusiasm into S1 and starting the year very positive (Mr Bell S1)
Riley H
For having a wonderful settled start to the year. Well done! (Mrs Riddoch S2)
Jordynn M
For her well-written holiday recount, she used plenty of descriptive language. Great effort!(Rebecca S3)
Nate O'K
For a great start to the year, showing kindness to all his new peers (Miss Hunt S4)