Connect Ed Program

MRPS offers a Connect Ed program in Term 1 of each year. The program's purpose is for parents and carers to gain an insight into how their child learns and what they can do to support their child's learning outside of the school day. Each session is interactive and provides hands-on activities as well as some of the research around best practice in education. 

There is also an opportunity, for those who are able, to become a volunteer classroom helper following the program.

Connect Ed is open to all parents and carers regardless of which year level their child is in. 

The program runs for 4 weeks - starting Wednesday 19th February. To support family commitments, there is a morning session starting at 9.00am and an evening session at 6pm. Both sessions cover the same information.

Childcare is available for both sessions, free of charge, to enable as many parents and carers to attend as possible.

Shortly, your child will bring home an invitation to enrol in the program. In order to cater for attendees we appreciate this being returned by the due date.

We look forward to another successful program!


Pat Withell

Learning Specialist