From the Principal

It has been an awesome start to the year, the students have settled in so well and there is a great buzz in the classrooms and on the playground. I apologise to families for my premature announcement about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday last week, I am a month ahead of myself. We will celebrate both of these occasions early in March. 


This week we have welcomed two new students, Oliver in Year 3 and his sister Hazel in Prep. We welcome these students and their family into our amazing school community. 


Student Leaders 2025:

We congratulate our 2025 Student Leaders. Over the next few weeks we will introduce each leadership group and they will share their roles with the school community. 

School Captains: Issy and Liam 

Social Justice Leaders: Kaja, Anna, Charlotte

Sports Leaders: Beau, Aiden, Illaria, Charlie, Ryan, Adam

Art Leaders: Roman, Poppy, Zach

Environment Leader: April


Year 6 Jumpers:

Our Year 6 Jumpers were presented to our students today. I asked if they wanted to wait until the next assembly, but they wanted them today (fair enough!!). Thanks to Vanessa Del Monaco for organising our Jumpers again, they look amazing. 


Belgrave Football and Netball Club Working Bee:

A huge thank you to Darren and the rest of the crew from Belgrave FNC for their assistance with the Working Bee over the weekend. This is the 3rd time they have offered to help our school and we are really thankful for the men and women who give up some of their weekend to help our school. We all hope you have a great season and will be cheering you on (even though they wear Collingwood colours). 


School Community Working Bee:

On Friday 21st of February we will be holding a Parent / Community working bee from 3:30pm-4:30pm. During this hour we will be topping up the soft fall around the chicken coop, planting some tall bushes and also some hanging plants in our "soon to be" Sensory / Quiet garden space. 


If any parent or community member would like to join me for a brainstorm session the week prior (Friday, 14th at 2:45pm) at the Chicken Coop space, I would love some ideas from people who are more garden focused than myself. 

Swimming Carnival:

On Wednesday 19th of February, we are holding our annual Grade 1 - Grade 6 Swimming Carnival. The Preps will not attend this event due to it being on a Wednesday. Mrs Wicks will be organising the day and will be on the lookout for parent helpers. Please make sure you respond back to the Operoo to inform us of your ability to help on the day. 


Parent Teacher Interviews:

Just a note for the community that Parent and Teacher Interviews will take place on Tuesday (25th) and Wednesday (26th) of February. These are for families who do not engage with the school Parent Support Group (PSG) Meetings on a termly basis. Those families have already been notified that they are not required to make a time during these blocks. As always, if you have concerns about your child or would just like to have a discussion with your child's classroom teacher, this can be done at any time by emailing and setting up a time with their teacher.


Operoo and School Stream:

Please make sure you check Operoo and School Stream regularly as early in the year there is often a flurry of important information for families to be aware of. 


Sexuality Education:

We are delighted to be once again partnering with Sue Pain from "About Real Life". Sue will deliver age appropriate Sexuality Education for our students in partnership with families. There will be a Parent Only workshop on Thursday 13th of February via Zoom (a link will be shared). The following Thursday (20th) we will hold Parent and Child workshops here at school. More information can be found below and this will also be shared via Operoo. 



Prep 2026 Enrolments:











Sovereign Hill Camp (March 6th-7th):

Please see the proposed program for our 3/4 Camp to Sovereign Hill in March. An Operoo will be sent home early next week. There will be a parent information session via Zoom on Tuesday 18th of February at 7pm. A link will be shared via School Stream.

School Uniform:

Flexible School Uniform 2025:

In 2025 the school will be adopting a more flexible uniform approach. There are some guidelines and they are outlined below:

  • Students can wear which ever uniform they like on any-day of the week (students can wear sports uniform 5 days a week if they please).
  • Sports uniform is to be worn with WHITE SOCKS.
  • Girls and Boys can wear the polo / pants or shorts combination (must wear sports uniform on sports days). Polo / pants or shorts combo must be worn with BLUE SOCKS. 
  • Red jumper or Blue Zip up fleece are the only jumper options (apart from Year 6 Jumper)
  • There is to be no non-school uniform worn (different jumpers, socks, shorts).
  • Girls can continue to wear the dress or tunic options.
  • Runners can be worn at all times with any uniform. 
  • On School Photo Days all students will wear Full Sports Uniform.  


