Student Wellbeing 

Aaron Morton

Wellbeing Coordinator

Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing:                    A Message to Our School Community

Dear Parents, Students and Staff Members,


As we navigate through the academic year, I am thrilled to share some updates and initiatives regarding our collective efforts to foster a positive and supportive environment here at the WA College of Agriculture, Cunderdin.


First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for the commitment and dedication shown by our students and staff members. Together, we've embarked on a journey to prioritise mental health and wellbeing, incorporating valuable skills associated with Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for adolescents and the Collaborative Proactive Solutions (CPS) model to address various challenges students and staff may be facing.


Our focus on enhancing student resilience and coping mechanisms is evident through the implementation of DBT principles in our Wellbeing curriculum. Through regular lessons and discussions, we aim to equip our students with essential skills to manage stress, understand their core values, and make informed decisions. These sessions, while centred on generalised scenarios, encourage introspection and critical thinking among our student body.


Next week students will participate in the first wellbeing incursion of the year, with Jarrod Kayler-Thomson delivering group wellbeing sessions to all students. Jarrod is the founder of the Growth Hunting program, which aims to develop social and emotional capacity and increase resilience. 


At the WA College of Agriculture, Cunderdin we understand the significance of holistic support. Our School Psychology Service is readily available on-site, providing students with a safe space to address personal challenges and access tailored mental health strategies. Additionally, we maintain partnerships with external service providers, ensuring comprehensive support ranging from smoking cessation to suicide prevention.


As we continue to champion mental health and wellbeing, I encourage each member of our community to prioritise self-care, seek support when needed, and embrace a culture of empathy and understanding. Together, we can create a nurturing environment where every individual feels valued, supported, and empowered to thrive.

Stay safe and take care.


Aaron Morton

Wellbeing Coordinator