Principal message

Dear St Monica’s Community,


Warm greetings to all! Congratulations to everyone on what has been a very enjoyable start to our year. The energy and enthusiasm exhibited by our students, parents, and staff have truly set a positive tone for the year.


In addition to the usual hustle and bustle of school life, we've had the pleasure of engaging in a variety of enriching events and activities:


Swimming Sports

Witnessing the House Spirit during our Swimming Sports was truly inspiring. It's heartening to see our students not only showcase their swimming abilities but also foster a sense of unity and teamwork. Congratulations to Mr Epps and all involved with this event. Thanks also to the many parent volunteers! Please see the Sport page for a student written report of the day and some photos.



The first of our regular assemblies provide a platform for celebrating achievements, sharing important information, and building a strong sense of community. Well done to 5/6J on your hosting efforts and congratulations to our first Award Winners for 2024. We also recognised our Student Leaders for the year as we handed out their badges.


Prep Welcome BBQ

The Prep Welcome BBQ was a great occasion, bringing together new and returning families to connect. A warm welcome to our newest members of the school community!


Pancake Morning

After a late change of plans, our Pancake Morning was not only a delicious treat but also an opportunity for students and staff to enjoy some time together as we prepare for Lent. Thanks to everyone for your involvement and to the P&F for your work in preparing the Pancakes.


Ash Wednesday

Observing Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of the Lenten season, reminding us of the importance of reflection, repentance, and spiritual growth. It was a solemn yet meaningful occasion for our school community and liturgies took place in our classrooms.


Parent Meet & Greets – February 15 & 20 (Grades 1-6)

Building strong partnerships between parents and teachers is essential for the success of our students. Our Parent Meet & Greets provide valuable opportunities for open communication and collaboration. We look forward to these meetings.


Opening Mass – February 16

The Opening Mass is always a beautiful celebration of our faith, bringing our school community together to seek blessings and guidance for the year ahead. We hope to see you this Friday morning.


Marong Cup – February 17

The Marong Cup is this Saturday. Tickets and kids ride wristbands are available to purchase at the school office (Preps are entitled to a free unlimited ride wristband when attending with a paying or volunteering adult). More information is on the P&F page. 


As we reflect on these events, let us celebrate the achievements of our students and look forward to the exciting activities planned for the coming months. Together, we seek to continue to make St Monica’s a place where faith, education, and community thrive.


In Faith and Community,

Tim Edwards 

- Acting Principal