From the Office

Uniform Shop Opening Times: Every Tuesday 8:30am - 10:30am & Wednesday 3:00pm -  4:00pm

Save the Dates: Term 1


Tuesday 1st - Students in Years 1-6 First Day of School 


Monday 5th - Preps First Day of School (finish time at 2pm)


Tuesday 6th - School Fundraising Meeting 7pm


Monday 12th - Homework Club Commences After School from 3:30 - 4:30pm


Tuesday 13th - Meet the Teacher Interviews: 

Bookings via Compass from 3:45 - 7:55pm 


Tuesday 13th - Toast Tuesdays & Second-Hand Uniform Stall Commences at 8am Before School in the Sports & Performance Centre


Friday 16th - Assembly at 9:15am in the Sports & Performance Centre


Wednesday 21st - Years 3-6 Cross Country 9 -10:30am, parents are welcome to come along & watch. 


Friday 23rd - Random Acts of Kindness Day


Monday 26th - Pizza Special Lunch Order Day Years Prep - Y2


Tuesday 27th - Pizza Special Lunch Order Day Years 3-6


Tuesday 27th - Meet the Teacher Interviews for EAL, parents will receive a notice with their interview time & room number.




Friday 1st - Year 5&6 Interschool Sport Gala Day 1

Students will travel to the appropriate venue by bus.  

The bus will leave at approximately 9:00am and return at 2:45pm


Tuesday 12th - Year 5&6 Interschool Sport Gala Day 2 9:00am - 2:45pm


Wednesday 13th - Friday 22nd NAPLAN


Monday 18th - Easter Special Lunch Order Day Years Prep - Y2


Tuesday 19th - Easter Special Lunch Order Day Years 3-6


Thursday 21st - School Disco in the Sports & Performance Centre

There will be three sessions for different year levels:

Prep: 2:30 – 3:15

Year 1 – 3: 3:30 – 4:20

Year 4 – 6: 4:30 – 5:30

Sausage Sizzle from 3:30 – 5:45pm for those that would like to purchase an early dinner and put out a picnic rug on the oval


Thursday 21st - Harmony Day - wear a touch of orange to celebrate multiculturalism in our school


Wednesday 27th - Everest Dixie Cup Fundraiser 


Thursday 28th - End of Term 1 early student dismissal at 2:30pm


Recurring Dates

Toast Tuesdays & Second Hand Uniform Stall 

Ran by Mr. Silverwood & our GRPS Volunteers: come & visit from 8am in the Sports & Performance Centre. Every Tuesday Morning before School starting in Week 3.


Homework Club 

Homework Club will start in week 3 & run every Monday after school from 3:30 - 4:30pm.


Kids Unlimited Clubs

Starting Week 1 - Kids Unlimited will be running Coding Club on a Thursday

& Robotics Club on a Friday each week. The Program will run at lunch time,12:50pm in the Brian Allen Hall where the students go for Science & Technology